Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunni and Shi'a, Part II - Counterintelligence 101

According to scholars, the Prophet Mohammed was born in 570 A.D. and died in 632 A.D. The Sunnis believe that Mohammed died without choosing a successor. The Shi`a, estimated at about 15% of all Muslims, believe that Mohammad appointed "Ali" to be his direct successor, the first Imam, with a hereditary descendant chain of "Twelve Imams." This is one fundamental difference between Sunni and Shi`a Muslims over which they continue to vilify and slaughter each other. Myriad complexities and differences in Islam make my head spin; for those I defer to followers and scholars. The history of Islam is fascinating. The more I read the less I know. I figure, what difference does it make whether I understand it all or not. Aren't my tax dollars paying for the experts to know our enemies?

Jeff Stein is the national security editor at Congressional Quarterly (see his New York Times column online). Without my mentioning names, Mr. Stein writes about a series of interviews he did with formidable (he names them) Washington counterterrorism officials-CIA, FBI, NSA, et al and members of Congress who oversee our spy agencies. He asked these people the following question:

"Do you know the difference between a Sunni and a Shi`a Muslim?" No one knew! Stein asked whether Iran was Sunni or Shiite. Aside from vague answers, no one knew! This from the experts we depend on for that knowledge and much more. The quiz show ended with Stein having to explain that Iran and Hezbollah are Shi`a. The North African countries, most of Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden (Al Qaeda) are Sunni. Iraq's Sunni majority is no longer in power and mad as hell. What happened to counterterrorism 101, Know Your Enemy? No wonder we're the blunder of the intelligence community.

The North African Kingdom of Morocco has a history of religious tolerance that includes Christians and Jews. Living in this primarily Sunni Muslim country for five years, I witnessed various small sects and religious groups living and working in proximity and harmony, while respecting each other's differences. Besides Morocco's numerous other attributes, religious freedom added to the wonderful experience of living there.

What's interesting about family feuds, clan feuds and million man feuds is that usually they are a result of fear and limited vision. My way is right; therefore, your way must be wrong. Reluctance or inability to see beauty in differences and to respect the other guy's reality equals ignorance. Ignorance breeds contempt. Had America not continued to grow into a more enlightened state, it would not be where it is today. Where is that? Making mistakes, stumbling, getting up, learning and moving forward, always moving forward democratically. I've been to places where forward is not an option. Where the way of life is the same as it was in biblical times.

Just as the new U.S. Congress should scrutinize itself and the entire government, all Americans should do the same; be cognizant of what the government is doing with our money and how it is doing it. Looking back on our primitive past reminds us that we were guilty of some of the same horrors extant between today's bitterest foreign adversaries. But we've moved on. It is my humble opinion that America's destiny is to continue its evolution, to learn from its mistakes and to rise to higher consciousness and carry (drag) the planet and humanity along with it. If you spend a few minutes thinking about it, you will agree it is already happening on many levels. Even as we probe the fringes of outer space, the pulse of every aspect of American life on terra firma has speeded up.

You're from Missouri? Okay. Here's one way to have some fun when you're home for the holidays. Turn off all television sets, computers, iPods, video games and other assorted distracting electronic devices. Assemble a group of people all ages in your living room or great room. Let each participant write a list of all past and present humanitarian, scientific, medical, peacemaking, sports-related, technological, political, musical, literary and other artistic creations and life transforming achievements by Americans, that he or she can think of. We've come a long way since 1620.


My website is under reconstruction until 2010. Meanwhile, you can find me at

You can also read two chapters of my novel, The Sword and the Chrysanthemum, Journey of the Heart at


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