Friday, June 18, 2010

Choosing Your Next Dog Breed - What's Best For You?

Breed Decision: Best Choice For You?

It is time to decide what type of Dog you want. There is a breed or mixed breed to suit everyone! Make a list of the Dogs you've had experience with, and what you like about them. And what you don't like about them. Realize there is no such thing as the perfect pet, each breed has their positive characteristics and their not so likable traits. What breed is particularly attractive to you? Do you want a big or small Dog? Long hair or short? Lap Dog or a dog to run laps with?

Next research your choices of breeds to determine which is most compatible with your family and life style.

If you love Labradors, who need a lot of attention, exercise and training, but you live in an apartment and work long hours, you probably need to identify a smaller breed dog who will better fit your lifestyle. What you want, at first, may not be the best choice. So rather than choose completely based on what you want, examine your own needs. Determine what size dog fits your living situation. There is a dog for every situation. With careful selection you can find a breed or breed mix that will fit your needs perfectly.

Not all breeds are for all people. Different breeds have different characteristics that you either like, or dislike. Maybe you just don't like the look of a pug, but a spaniel makes you smile every time you see one. Maybe you have a relative who has a Yorkie and she loves him to death, but you can't stand to hear him bark, but every time you hear a beagle howl, you laugh out loud. If you've heard that Border Collies are the smartest dogs on the planet but you would rather have an Afghan, then consider going for the Afghan. If you live on a farm, then an Australian Shepherd is a good choice but if you're a city dweller you may want to consider a poodle.

Since all breeds aren't for all people, all people are not for all dogs. So pick a breed that fits your personality, activity levels and schedules.

After careful research of a particular breed, next you have to decide to purchase, or adopt.

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