Monday, June 20, 2011

English Bulldog Adoption - Is it For You?

An English bullDog adoption is something to be taken very seriously. BullDogs are very popular. This adorable breed is #8 on the American Kennel Club's (AKC) list of most popular Dogs of 2009. Their sweet, gentle nature combined with their wonderfully squishy faces and rolling gait makes them irresistible to many. Yet BullDogs are quite expensive in relation to many other breeds of dogs. The cost can be prohibitive to many families looking to add a bully to the mix. Naturally, many people look at adopting a bulldog as a low cost way to own one. While the front-end cost may be lower than buying a bulldog from a respected breeder, long term costs can be tremendous.

Because bulldogs are so popular and expensive, relatively healthy and socially adjusted bulldogs have been rarely available for adoption. That being said, with the recent economic downturn, there has been an increase of healthy, socialized bulldogs put up for adoption due to people losing their homes. Generally, however, bulldogs with severe behavior issues and/or serious medical problems are the dogs found available for adoption. These dogs are still loveable and deserve an amazing home and should be adopted, but you need to be aware that adopting a bulldog may not be the bargain you are looking for.

Where To Look

If you are looking for a bulldog, look at the Bulldog Club of America (BCA). This is THE organization for bulldogs.  This club has been around even longer than the American Kennel Club (AKC).  The BCA is passionate about the health and welfare of bulldogs.

The rescue arm of this organization is extraordinary!  Be aware that they only work with purebred bulldogs.  Bulldog mixes can be found searching other shelters such as ASPCA.  The BCA is extremely choosy about who they allow to adopt their rescued dogs.

Be sure to check other bulldog rescue organizations in your area.

Check out Scott's website with lots of free resources to help you decide if a Bulldog is right for you. Click the link below to visit the site. It is full of free checklists, quizzes, links to bulldog rescue organizations and much more!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gospel of Judas: Betraying Jesus - Again?

From the onset, let it be known that I am convinced that the spiritual teachings that we now have neatly placed into a handy carrying case (The Bible) are not now, nor have they ever been ALL that was written upon which we could gain insight into God's plan for man. What we have is surely ENOUGH, but I don't believe it's all. That's my personal conviction. You can have yours, too. What we now have as canonized Scripture is the "official" information but we all know that "officials" are often lying when their lips are moving. My personal vote for should-be-canonized Holy Writ would be the book of Enoch. Why omit the information from a man who walked with God for 300 years? But somebody smarter than me gave Enoch the axe.

Throughout the ages, the Powers-that-be have used the Bible as a means for pushing their own agenda, omitting that which did not suit their needs or adding that which supported their doctrine of choice. Rex Lex, it's called; the King is Law or, better put, the Law is King. Some verses have even been omitted from some Bible versions with an explanation. I have my own explanation: the Powers-that-be and their appointed editors didn't have the faith to believe what the verses were declaring.

Editors? Yes, every Biblical version has Editors, people with many impressive letters after their names who are chosen to determine what spiritual food is best for Christians to digest. In the case of the New International Version, for example, my own research has revealed that one of its editors was a lesbian. This might explain why the NIV is so "weak" in its stand against homosexuality. I've also learned that Rupert Murdock of Fortune Magazine fame - once known as Rupert the Red for his stance in favor of Communism - actually owns the copyright to the NIV. Gee, I wonder what agenda HE might be subtly pushing?

Do you catch my drift? We mustn't check our brains at the door where our spirituality is concerned. That rule of thumb must also apply in light of the recent revelation, something called the Gospel of Judas.


Judas, whose name means "Jewish man," was NOT inserted into the Gospels as some sort of "EveryJew" in order to breed anti-Semitic hatred. Judas was apparently a quite common name just as "Jesus" was. The apostle Thaddeus is also known as "Judas, the brother of James," as well as "Judas, not Iscariot." The Book of Jude is attributed to a man named Judas, too. Judas Maccabeus, one of the great heroes of Judaism, is one possible reason why so many kids were once tagged with that name. I live in Texas and have met more than my share of kids named Dallas, Austin and Travis.

Here's what the Associated Press had to say about the Gospel of Judas:

AP - For 2,000 years Judas has been reviled for betraying Jesus. Now a newly translated ancient document seeks to tell his side of the story.

The "Gospel of Judas" tells a far different tale from the four gospels in the New Testament. It portrays Judas as a favored disciple who was given special knowledge by Jesus - and who turned him in at Jesus' request.

"You will be cursed by the other generations - and you will come to rule over them," Jesus tells Judas in the document made public Thursday.

The text, one of several ancient documents found in the Egyptian desert in 1970, was preserved and translated by a team of scholars. It was made public in an English translation by the National Geographic Society.

Apparently, these papyrus manuscripts consist of

- a Gnostic codex in Sahidic dialect containing the lost 'Gospel of Judas' known from history only through Saint Irenaeus (c. 140-202 AD), Bishop of Lyon,

- the "First Apocalypse of James"

- the "Epistle of Peter to Philip"...

- the 'Book of Exodus' in Greek...

- 'Letters of Paul' in Sahidic dialect...

- and a 'Mathematical Treatise' in Greek"

...whatever that is.

All these manuscripts are priceless historical documents (I've read the figures of $3,000,000 to $10,000,00 being tossed around in association with these pieces), only comparable to major finds like the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran. Though some say they belong to mankind and must be publicly preserved and studied, others are being driven by greed and the whole story reads like some kind of dramatic suspense saga that reminds me of the Nicholas Cage thriller, National Treasure or the more recent Tom Hanks flick, The DaVinci Code. The Associated Press wrote that "the journey of the text to Switzerland was "replete with smugglers, black-market antiquities dealers, religious scholars, backstabbing partners and greedy entrepreneurs."

If you're interested, all of this comes from a number of articles on the web site of Michel van Rijn, who monitors the art market. His site is A search for 'Gospel of Judas' reveals other details of the negotiations.


The Associated Press reported (3/2/06) that "an expert on ancient Egyptian texts is predicting that the "Gospel of Judas," a manuscript from early Christian times that's nearing release amid widespread interest from scholars, will be a dud in terms of learning anything new about Judas."

That expert is James M. Robinson, considered America's leading expert on such ancient religious texts from Egypt. Robinson is an emeritus professor at Claremont (Calif.) Graduate University, chief editor of religious documents found in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, and an international leader among scholars of Coptic manuscripts. He predicts that the text won't offer any insights into the disciple who betrayed Jesus because it's not old enough.

"Does it go back to Judas? No," Robinson told the AP.

The AP story said that the text, in Egypt's Coptic language, dates from the third or fourth century and is a copy of an earlier document. The National Geographic Society, along with other groups, has been studying the "Judas" text.

National Geographic said Thursday it will release its report on the document "within the next few weeks" but didn't specify whether that would come via a book, magazine article or telecast. Robinson has not seen what National Geographic is working on, but assumes it is the same work assailed by Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons, the heresy-hound of his day, around A.D. 180.

Here is what I found on the Roberts-Donaldson translation of this section from the pen of St. Irenaeus:"Others again declare that Cain derived his being from the Power above, and acknowledge that Esau, Korah, the Sodomites, and all such persons, are related to themselves. On this account, they add, they have been assailed by the Creator, yet no one of them has suffered injury. For Sophia was in the habit of carrying off that which belonged to her from them to herself. They declare that Judas the traitor was thoroughly acquainted with these things, and that he alone, knowing the truth as no others did, accomplished the mystery of the betrayal; by him all things, both earthly and heavenly, were thus thrown into confusion. They produce a fictitious history of this kind, which they style the Gospel of Judas."

Irenaeus was saying that the writings he saw came from a "Cainite" Gnostic sect that stood against orthodox Christianity. "They produce a fictitious history of this kind, which they style the Gospel of Judas," Irenaeus wrote in "Against Heresies." He also accused the Cainites of lauding the biblical murderer Cain, the Sodomites and Judas, whom they regarded as the keeper of secret mysteries.

The AP story goes on to say that Robinson admits that the text is valuable to scholars of the second century but dismissed the notion that it'll reveal unknown biblical secrets. He speculated the timing of the release is aimed at capitalizing on interest in the film version of "The DaVinci Code" a fictional tale that centers on a Christian conspiracy to cover up a marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

"There are a lot of second-, third- and fourth-century gospels attributed to various apostles," Robinson said. "We don't really assume they give us any first century information."

H.C. Puech and Beate Blatz write (New Testament Apocrypha, vol. 1, p. 387): 'Dating: the Gospel of Judas was of course composed before 180, the date at which it is mentioned for the first time by Irenaeus in adv. Haer. If it is in fact a Cainite work, and if this sect - assuming it was an independent Gnostic group - was constituted in part, as has sometimes been asserted, in dependence on the doctrine of Marcion, the apocryphon can scarcely have been composed before the middle of the 2nd century. This would, however, be to build on weak arguments. At most we may be inclined to suspect a date between 130 and 170 or thereabouts."

That's odd. Another so-called "expert" named Charles Hedrick, Missouri State University - and other scholars - are saying the codex was produced in the fourth or fifth century. Hmmm. These dates are derived through radiocarbon dating, a commonly used method to determine the age of archaeological finds. Fool-proof? Not by any means. I recall reading about some chicken bones from dinner the night before that were carbon-dated and the results clearly showed that they came from the Bronze Age or something like that. Tasty!

In every case, the experts seem to agree with Irenaeus that the Gospel of Judas reflects the theological traditions of the Gnostics, a second-century sect, a community that believed true spirituality was derived from a self-knowledge, or "gnosis," not the New Age self-knowledge we see being touted today.
Figures depicted as sinful in the Old Testament, such as Cain and Esau, were typically lauded under Gnostic theology.

For Robinson, the significance of the Gospel of Judas has to do not with first-century history but with second-century mythology. Still, he offered these half-serious reflections in his closing remarks in an interview last month: "Where would Christianity be, if there had been no Judas, and Jesus - instead of dying for our sins on the cross - had died of old age?" he asked. "So: Thank God for Judas? Even the most broadminded among us would call that heresy!"

Then call me a heretic, Professor. Though I won't go so far as to thank God for Judas, I CAN and WILL thank Him that He had a plan and that plan DID call for the shedding of innocent blood for the atonement of sins. Yours, too. Jesus was born to die. If it hadn't been Judas, it would have been somebody else. Besides, it's not about Christianity, the religion; it's about having a relationship with God and how that gruesome death on the cross made that relationship possible. More importantly, it's not so much about HOW Jesus died so much as that he was RAISED from the dead. He could have died in a donkey cart accident, so long as his blood was shed, but what matters is that He lived again.

Besides, many prophecies were fulfilled in the way that Jesus died, including His betrayal by one of His friends. Compare these Old and new Testament verses regarding just a few of those prophecies and you'll be amazed. Makes a GREAT Bible study!

Psalms 41:9 to Matthew 26:47-50;

Zechariah 11:12 to Matthew 26:14-15;

Isaiah 50:6 to Matthew 26:67-68;

Isaiah 53:5 to Matthew 27:26;

Isaiah 53:7 to Matthew 27:12-14;

Zechariah 11:13 to Matthew 27:5-7;

Psalm 22:16 to Luke 23:33;

Isaiah 53:12 to Matthew 27:38

This is certain; God had a plan all along and His ways are higher than ours. Isaiah 55:8,9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."


Let's say, for a moment, that you are Lucifer. Not comfortable with that? Ok, let's say that I am the devil incarnate. What ELSE would I do to shake the faith of the Christian world that I haven't already done? My war with you is on several fronts, remember: your flesh, your mind, and your spirit. Satan's opposition against the church is not a frontal attack, but a subversive attack through intrigue, deception, and trickery. The demons were shocked to discover that Jesus had come in a manger. They were expecting Him to come later, for one final confrontation (Matthew 8:28-29). Satan's strategy for the present time (until the final conflict) is that of subversive activity. Terrorism, for example. He is presently employing deception and intrigue to trip up the Christian world at large. This is a time of guerilla warfare, of snipers and booby traps, not of frontal attack.

Where the Gospel of Judas is concerned, all I can say is, nice try, devil. He's done this before, maximizing the number of reporters looking for an Eastertime "religious" story to discount Christianity. This is the season when those "Jesus" programs hit their peak all over cable TV. My goodness, the results of the "official" research are to be released after Easter, when Christians around the world traditionally will have marked the official version of Christ's death as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Monsignor Walter Brandmuller, president of the Vatican's Committee for Historical Science, calls this "a product of religious fantasy." He said the "Judas" manuscript would not have any impact on church teaching. Seeing as how the Church has already addressed this matter between 1500 and 1900 years ago, it's not surprising that he doesn't think there will be much of an impact.

I'm inclined to agree. Sadly, there will be many who are sitting on the fence or those looking for an excuse that will be swayed by the scientific findings. Yes, there will be those baby Christians - some who've been warming pews for 50 years - who will become confused by the outcome. But any Christian who is well versed in Scripture will not be moved. We can get some insights into one of the primary Christian heresies that has never completely disappeared, and may even perhaps get some personal insights into our own walks with God. This may prove to be a test for you. Just remember what it is that we're reading. Eat the meat and spit out the bones.


William Klassen, author of "Judas: Betrayer or Friend of Jesus?" considers the manuscript an asset to any attempts to rehabilitate Judas' image. "It's important to look at this Gospel of Judas very carefully, because this is evidence that in the late second century, in the time of Irenaeus, there was a group who held up the banner for Judas," he said.

While we're at it, let's discuss the kinder, gentler side of Satan and the love sonnets of Hitler. I guess there will always be those who hold up the banner for that which is blatantly evil. Although Judas cooperates in the arrest of Christ, Hedrick said, the codex does not depict him as a villain. "He is the good guy and he is serving God."

Hedrick, who saw the Judas papers, agreed with Robinson that the original Gospel of Judas was probably written in Greek in the second century AD. Most scholars agree that the scribal hand used in the Coptic translation would date that text to the fourth or fifth century.

"I don't think it will unsettle the church," Hedrick said in an interview. "I mean we are not talking history here. We know very little about Judas from the New Testament, and some people have even challenged whether Judas was a historical person."

Hedrick said the last six pages of the Judas document describe a heavenly scene in which Allogenes (see below) is being tested and tried by Satan, followed by an earthly scene in which Jesus is being watched closely by scribes. At one point Judas is told, "Although you are evil at this place, you are a disciple of Jesus." The last line of the text says, according to Hedrick: "And he [Judas] took money and delivered him [Jesus] over."

So, Hedrick said, "it appears that Judas is working at the behest of God when he betrays Jesus as part of the divine plan." When translations of the Gospel of Judas are released with accompanying commentary, Hedrick does admit that "there will be a lot of sensationalism, but it will dribble out, leaving only the scholars interested."

Church discussions conceivably could revolve around the extent to which New Testament Gospels present events in Jesus' life and passion as ordained from the start. Hardly anything is known about the document's contents "other than a few personages" it names, said Professor Robinson, identifying them as the mythological figure Allogenes (literally, "the stranger") known from some Nag Hammadi texts, and Satan, Jesus and Judas.


If you read online, the text placed at the New York Times website (why their keen interest?), read it with one eyebrow raised...remembering that "Gospel" means "Good News." Then go study your Bible like a good follower of Jesus Christ. We've got work to do.


Michael's mission is to bring Discipleship and Encouragement to the Body of Christ. Since 1999, he has broadcast over 300 hundred inspirational articles and a dozen booklets on subjects that will interest the thinking Christian, all designed to accelerate the process of spiritual development in God's people.

He is the founder of t.e.a.m. ministries ( An Author, Pastoral Counselor and Teacher, his eMail broadcasts, known as "Your Town for Jesus" are reaching millions around the globe WEEKLY. Write if you'd like to SUBSCRIBE.

A licensed/ordained minister, a Certified Workplace Chaplain, and a Professional Member of NIBIC, he has ministered in Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist, Disciples of Christ, College and Cowboy churches. He is also a Speaker on the Christian Speaker Network and may be available to speak to your church or Christian group.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Choosing Dogs For Older People

What to consider when determining the right Dog. The Dogs for older people should be approached with knowledge of a commitment. Here are a few things to look for:

The Size of Dog- remember big dog can be clumsy and trip an older person. If it is a house dog keep this in mind. There are very friendly big dogs but they tend to want attention and stay so close - that sometimes they can be dangerous if they make an older person fall. Little dogs can trip them but are easier to get them out of the way.

The personality of the dog- Some dog breeds are better than others. There are dogs that just sit and are happy. These can be good for company when you have someone in a wheel chair or other handicap. Other dogs want attention, these can be good for people who truly love dogs and can focus on them. There are many in between so learn the breed or breeds. Dogs for older people can have a similar personality as the owner.

The type of dog- Some people with allergies can enjoy hypoallergenic dogs. Some of these include poodles, shi tzu, Maltese water dog, and Yorkshire terrier. Check the breeds before your determine which you want. Even mutts can have the characteristics of both or more breeds. Some dogs will be easier to clean up after too so keep this a consideration.

The age of the dog -should be considered also. A puppy might be too difficult for an older person.. Potty training a puppy could be a challenge an older person doesn't want so be cautious.You don't want to have a dog that will die soon either. Also determine if the owners will be home a lot of traveling. Some dogs love to be alone others like to be around people.

Where the dog comes from - Some older people will want to get a dog from the shelter as this is helping take care of something that needs it. Taking them to the human society and letting them choose the dog to adopt, could start a good bond. This will give them the feeling of actually adding their own family member. If your want a pure breed you want to make sure it is from a reputable breeder.

It has been proven that Dogs for older people may help them live longer . They have an animal to take care of. I believe that dogs for older people is a good thing. They will get up knowing that they are responsible for helping a life. Older people do worry about their dogs. I had a friend who told me she thought her dad would be more upset if his dog died then his kids. He told her that the dog didn't give him as much trouble as the kids! So you must understand that they will get attached and the love will grow strong too.

Just make sure that you understand the importance of adding a dog to an older persons family. You might be surprised at how tight that bond will get. Unlike children, dogs are always dependent on someone to take care of them. They will not grow up and leave. This means that the commitment should be understood.

Dogs for older people can add a special love and happiness of their owner. Having the responsibility of another life can make a lot of difference in an older persons life. You want them to feel comfortable with the dog and the dog to feel comfortable with them.

Mary Harnetiaux - I live with my husband Kerry and our dog Patches in Illinois. I have a website about Patches it is []. I taught Patches how to shoot hoops. You can see a video of her shooting hoops on the website. [].

Monday, June 13, 2011

Taxonomy: What Are the Different Hierarchy Levels in Biological Taxonomy?

Biologists classify living things into a hierarchy of categories so they can make sense of all the life on earth and organize it in a meaningful way. Living things are grouped into different domains. The living things in each domain are further broken down into kingdoms. The kingdoms are broken down into phyla. Each phylum is broken down into classes, classes into orders, orders into families, families into genera, and genera into species. Each of these different hierarchy levels is called a taxon. Multiple levels of hierarchies are called taxa.

Each of those category level potentially has a super level and a sub level. Additionally, Species can be further broken down into Variety and Breed.

These category levels are an artificial system that humans invented to try to make sense of the world. There's nothing "natural" about them. So, how can you remember them?

Create a mnemonic for yourself

This is kind of hard, but if you create your own mnemonic, you're unlikely to forget it. I created several mnemonics for myself, and not all of them were repeatable. (Of course, those are the ones I'm likely to remember.) Here are a couple of my self created mnemonics. Remember, we're striving to learn this order: Domain, Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genera, Species.

Dogs are Kind and Pure; Cats Offer Furry and Greedy Snuggles.

Deliberate Kindness Provides a Conscious and Occasionally Fortune to General Society.

Dorky Kids Prefer Computers Over Fun, Games, and Swimming.

Dogs are King Phyl's Companions Offering Fuzzy, Gooey, Snuggles.

Use other people's mnemonics

Domain is a recent addition to the taxa hierarchy. Most mnemonics don't have the D in front. It's easy to put Dear in for the King Phillip versions. However, it's not so easy for some of these other sentences. So, try to remember that Domain was added later.

Dear King Phillip Cuts Open Five Green Snakes.

Dear King Phillip's Children Ordered Fries, Gravy, and Shakes.

Dude, Keep Computer On For Great Surfing.

Dear King Phillip Came Over From Germany Swimming.

Dear King Phyl Came Over For Good Spaghetti.

Kids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach.

Kings Play Chess On Fine Gold Sets

Kids Playing Chicken On Freeways Get Smashed

Keep Pots Clean Or Family Gets Sick

Keep Putting Chemistry Off For Greater Subjects

Kraft Parmesan Cheese On Fingers Gets Sticky

Keep Papers Coming Or Flunk General Science

Kryptonite Promotes Casualty Overwhelmingly For Godlike Superman

Ken Poured Coffee On Fran's Good Shirt.

Kangaroos Pounce Clear Over Fences, Generally Swiftly

Gwen Nicodemus has two children that she's been homeschooling all their lives. Gwen also teaches science and math classes in a local homeschooling cooperative. As a temporarily retired engineer, Gwen keeps her brain active by writing unit studies and little books for her kids whenever someone gets interested in a new topic. Check out the great free resources, including unit studies, videos, tutorials, and little books at

©2010, Gwen Nicodemus

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Awesome Animal Facts

Did you know that...

... the Bee Hummingbird is the world's smallest bird? Even with its bill, it measures a mere 2 inches or 5 centimeters long.

... the male African Elephant has the largest ears in the animal kingdom? More than 3 feet or 1 meter wide.

... a Chameleon's tongue can be longer than the length of its body?

... Arctic Terns make the longest migration of any animal? In the summer, they live and breed in the Arctic. Then they fly to the Antarctic for the winter, before returning to the Arctic.

... there are more chickens than people in the world?

... the Saint Bernard is one of the heaviest Dogs? It usually weighs more than 200 pounds or 91 kilograms.

... the strongest insect is the Rhinoceros Beetle? Also known as the Hercules Beetle, it can lift more than 800 times of its weight.

... an Electric Eel can produce a shock of up to 650 volts?

... the female Black Widow is one of the most poisonous animals in the world? A bite from it can cause dizziness, terrible pain and even death.

... the Sailfish is the fastest fish on Earth? With speed of up to 68 miles or 109 kilometers per hour.

... the Australian Box Jellyfish, otherwise known as the Sea Wasp, is the world's most poisonous marine animal? Its sting is excruciatingly painful, and its venom can be fatal to humans, causing death within minutes.

... Ostriches are the Earth's largest birds? They can be more than 8 feet or 2 meters tall and can weigh up to 300 pounds or 136 kilograms.

... the Humpback Whales create the loudest sound of any living creature?

Top 5 Pets
Fish, is by far, the most popular pet in the world. In the United States alone, people own more fish than any other animal. Here are the most plentiful pets.

1. Fish - 149 million owned
2. Cats - 91 million owned
3. Dogs - 74 million owned
4. Small animals (rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.) - 18 million owned
5. Birds - 17 million owned

Top 10 Dog Breeds
(Source: American Kennel Club, 2008)

1. Labrador Retrievers - ranked # 1 (1998)
2. Yorkshire Terrier - ranked # 9 (1998)
3. German Shepherd - ranked # 3 (1998)
4. Golden Retriever - ranked # 2 (1998)
5. Beagle - ranked # 6 (1998)
6. Boxer - ranked # 12 (1998)
7. Dachshund - ranked # 5 (1998)
8. Bulldog - ranked # 23 (1998)
9. Poodle - ranked # 7 (1998)
10. Shih Tzu - ranked # 11 (1998)

Top 10 Cat Breeds
(Source: Cat Fancier's Association, 2008)

1. Persian
2. Maine Coon
3. Exotic
4. Abyssinian
5. Siamese
6. Ragdoll
7. Sphynx
8. Birman
9. American Shorthair
10. Oriental

Top 5 Longest Living Animals
In 2007, scientists dredging north of Iceland found a clam estimated to be at least 405 years old. Here are the animals that live the longest and oldest known age for each.

1. Quahog Clam - up to 400 years
2. Giant Tortoise - up to 200 years
3. Human - up to 122 years
4. Sturgeon Fish - up to 100 years
5. Blue Whale and Golden Eagle - up to 80 years

If you like this article, please visit my website [] and sign-up for my future articles.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Making Money With Animals

It's an unfortunate reality that many persons work just to receive a pay cheque, as they find their regular nine-to-five jobs tedious and unfulfilling. Before the industrial revolution ushered in the concept of paid task labour, workers used to get satisfaction from earning from professions that suited their personalities and natural talents.

Although our modern-day economy doesn't readily allow all employees to achieve their dream occupations, it's still possible to successfully turn a hobby into a means of earning money. I like to encourage persons who are searching for part-time income opportunities to look for ways to profit from their passions and pastimes.

One leisure pursuit that can lead to a very rewarding income source is taking care of animals. If you find pleasure from working with members of the animal kingdom, then you might find one of the following alternatives appealing.

Ornamental Fish Rearing

Decorative fish are not only exquisite to look at, they are big business. There is an increasing demand for ornamental fish, not just for local enthusiasts, but for the export market. Improvements in fish-rearing technology now allow you to raise fish cost-effectively in a relatively small space. Contact the Jamaica Ornamental Fish Farmers Association at the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture if you need to learn more about this opportunity.

Exotic Bird Rearing

Raising beautiful birds is another prospective source of part-time revenue. With more persons living in apartments and confined spaces, the desire for small pets is growing. Birds are usually appealing to children, so they also make great gifts. Some exotic birds such as parrots are protected under Jamaican laws, so be careful to research the relevant legislations and follow the established practices that govern bird rearing.

Dog Breeding

It seems that Jamaicans are eagerly embracing the Dog-loving culture of our North American neighbours, and this development opens up several income-generating possibilities. No longer satisfied with the basic mongrel variety, many dog aficionados are demanding quality breeds and are willing to pay top dollar for them.

Obedience Training

Fans of the hit National Geographic television show, The Dog Whisperer will realise the tremendous earning possibilities available for talented dog trainers. Whether they are playful pint-sized pooches or aggressive attack animals, it appears that many pet dogs need to be properly socialised to behave appropriately. If you instinctively communicate well with animals, then obedience training might be an exciting option for you.

Dog Grooming

While dog lovers may enjoy the company of their pets, the extra work involved in grooming them may definitely be outsourced to others. In fact, some businesses make a fortune catering to the hygiene needs of pampered animals. Even if you don't have specialised training in trimming and sprucing up fancy dogs, you can still participate in this process by offering a dog-bathing service to friends, neighbours and elderly dog owners.

Pet Supplies

Surfing the Internet for pet supply stores will reveal a wide array of items that have been created to make animals' lives more pleasurable. Whether you agree with these frivolous shopping choices or not, the reality is that there is a market for supplying some of these products to dedicated pet-owners. With some creativity, you could even design and produce some of these pet gadgets locally.

Animal Shows

The entertainment options at most children's birthday parties tend to be very similar - inflated bounce-a-bouts and standard clown acts. If you have a pet whose quirks and actions usually bring joy to youngsters, how about creating a unique animal act? An exotic bird that talks or a dog that does cute tricks might provide you with a very engaging performance and an entertaining way to earn.

Pet Photography

Pets bring a lot of satisfaction to their owners, and many people form deep bonds with their animals. Some persons treat their pets just like children, and would be happy to preserve the memories of their pets for posterity. If you have a knack for photography and a little patience, you could provide a pet portrait service. Look for an online source for picture frames, key rings and other memorabilia that would complement your photos.

Pet Sitting / Boarding

One of the challenges for owners whose animals become part of their families is how to care for their pets when they have to leave home for long periods. Some house dogs even get agitated when their owners go off to work! Why not offer a pet-sitting service to take care of animals in their owners' absence? If you have the yard space, you could even provide a boarding facility for longer stays.

With a little creativity and a clear understanding of customer needs, you can create many other income sources from working with animals.

Copyright © 2010 Cherryl Hanson Simpson

Cherryl is a financial consultant and coach, and the founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services, Jamaica's number one source for practical, down-to-earth and independent answers for all questions relating to personal finance. Cherryl is currently writing her first book, The 3 Ms of Money. See more of her work at and

Friday, June 10, 2011

Positivity in Training Your Dog

There is no question that training a Dog is important. It keeps the Dog feeling secure and prevents unwanted behavior like begging for food scraps or jumping on people. However, ideas on the best way to train a Dog effectively may differ. On one side are those who believe in dominance training, on the other are those who believe in positive reinforcement. For more than five years, the idea that Dog trainers has to assume the alpha male position to successfully train a dog has dominated dog obedience training practices. Contributing to this thought is the award-winning Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan aired on National Geographic.

Although many of Millan's dog training tips have something in common with positive reinforcement trainers, experts now say that some of Millan's strategies are also cruel and based on animal studies that have now been debunked. Instead of using techniques hinged on dominance theory, dog trainers are now giving dog training tips using positivity. Positivity simply means establishing a good relationship with your pet when it comes to dog obedience training.

This is in contrast to a dominant-submissive relationship which assumes that pet dogs naturally compete for status and thus have to be controlled. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs may lash out because they feel threatened, not because they are trying to be dominant. Dominant-submissive relations exist between animals, and rarely between owners and their dogs.

To train your dog using positive reinforcement, keep the following things in mind: Screaming at and hitting the dog only breeds insecurity and lead to health problems. Instead of submitting to commands, a dog may react aggressively when disciplined harshly. Fear and stress can also cause long-term health problems in your pets. A subdued dog is not necessarily an obedient dog. On the other hand, dog obedience training using positivity will create a healthy bond between an owner and his pet.

During training, combine a stimulus (like a sound or hand gesture) with a command (like sit or stay). The dog will then learn the desired response and the command for it. Rewards may take the form of verbal praise, hugs, treats, and other things that a dog may find enjoyable. While training, it would be best to know what the pet likes. When the dog is used to a particular bad behavior, it may be easy to fall back to harsh punishment. However, proponents of positivity say that it is better to reward a dog's good behavior and ignore or penalize good behavior. To be effective, a penalty should also come immediately after bad behavior or the dog may not understand what he is being penalized for.

Moreover, firmly saying no after bad behavior coupled with a chosen hand gesture can be more effective than hitting or yelling. This method may take longer, but the owner and his dog will both be happier. Positivity in dog obedience training may take longer, but it will also create a happier and more secure pet.

If you would like to further your knowledge about this topic please click this link at
Written by Justin H James

Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America As Pets

Dogs are by far one of the most popular pets to have not only in America but around the world. Their lovable nature and unconditional affection makes them a crowd favorite for many individuals and families. However, not all breeds are the same. Some Dog breeds are more popular than others. Here, we list the top 10 most popular Dog breeds in America and why they are so popular.

1. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in America because it is a beautiful looking dog that can come in number of different colors from brown to black. It is a popular dog because it can be a family pet and a hunting dog and works exceptionally well as a bird dog. Parents love that it is very friendly to children and also easy to train. It is no surprise to me to see it in first place.

2. Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a stylish dog that is a popular one at dog shows. Many people like this dog because it has a style and grace that separates it from other types of dogs. This smaller sized dog is a popular one with the rich.

3. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd has a strong following as well as this one has been used as a popular service dog for the police and as a family pet. It also has been used as effective watch dogs as well. These big dogs are also very intelligent and tractable making them a popular choice for Americans.

4. Golden Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is not the only retriever people like. The Golden Retriever is also one that many people like. Its main distinction is its golden coat that appeals to many people. It also has the same high level of smarts at other retrievers making it a great choice for a pet.

5. Beagle

The Beagle is a lovable character of American history that has flourished as a good hunter of small game. However, its more recent history is more of a low-key dog that can be a perfect addition to families that have a little less active lifestyle.

6. Boxer

The Boxer is strong, powerful dog breed that has its origins in Germany. Like many German dogs, it has a number of attractive qualities that people like.

7. Dachshund

The Dachshund is really a funny looking dog. This funny style of having a long body and short logs does make it very appealing to many people. For those looking for something a little out of the ordinary, this can be a great choice.

8. Poodle

The Poodle is a well known dog to most people that many people associate with the rich. Its most popular form is a miniature poodle which has been bred down through years of breeding. This is a lovely pet that many people will like the look of and is a top one at shows.

9. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is another show dog. This one originates from China and has a distinctive look which adds to its appeal.

10. Bulldog

The Bulldog or as more people know it the British Bulldog has also a strong following in the United States. This affectionate dog has a low key demeanor that hides what can sometimes be an aggressive streak. Many people find this dog a great choice because of its look and personality.

It is also important to make sure your dog is well protected. For more information on one model, the Innotek IUC-4100, click on the following link:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How America's Foreign Policy is Making the US Less Safe in the War on Terrorism

"And we fight today because terrorists want to attack our country and kill our citizens, and Iraq is where they are making their stand. So we'll fight them there, we'll fight them across the world, and we will stay in the fight until the fight is won." (Applause.) -- President George W. Bush

Despite plenty of muscular rhetoric, President Bush's strategy in the War on Terrorism demonstrates a dangerous ignorance of the unique military, tactical, and political aspects of the terrorist threat, and breeds a dangerous and chaotic foreign policy which has only served to put our nation in greater danger.

Back in the 6th century BC, in his classic, The Art of War, Sun Tsu observed, "Know your enemy, and in a thousand battles you will not be defeated." Sadly, our current Commander-in-Chief ignores the Chinese grand master's lesson, and actively eschews the acquisition of useful knowledge about our terrorist enemy. After the 9/11 Commission found that the CIA and FBI could have prevented the attacks of September 11th, had they only more effectively shared and communicated their intelligence to the White House, the Bush Administration could have ensured a dynamic and efficient system of American intelligence simply by reforming and/or streamlining the two agencies. Instead, the Administration did nothing to improve either agency, instead creating an entirely new government agency, the Department of Homeland Security, whose most obvious contribution to homeland security to date is a puerile, and now universally-ignored, color-coded Alert Level system.

Not surprisingly, the enhanced state of perpetual ignorance within America's intelligence community quickly took its toll, proceeding to deliver terribly flawed pre-war intelligence to the White House, which then spawned an utterly disastrous occupation of Iraq. All of this, of course, was in addition to our continued inability to capture, or even locate, America's Public Enemy 1, Osama bin Laden. Sun Tsu is rolling in his grave.

The atrocious ignorance continues with the Administration's inability to grasp the fundamental distinction between fighting terrorists and fighting enemy nation-states. In the wars of yesteryear, an enemy nation had a standing army, a native population, static boundaries, and permanent institutions, all of which helped to create an enemy who could be effectively destroyed with a sustained military campaign. But the problem with terrorists, unlike nationals of a belligerent foreign nation, is that they are not a permanent, distinct class. Terrorists are recruited, shaped, molded and trained by underground organizations, usually working without state sanction, and thus there is no fixed stock of "enemy combatants" capable of comprehensive military liquidation. As William F. Buckley, Jr. brilliantly observed, "Individual terrorists were, only yesterday, engaged in ordinary occupations, shocking friends and family when they struck as terrorists." Victory, then, will be achieved not with a specific death toll or geographic occupation, but by ensuring that Islamofascism remains a detested minority in every country in which it hopes to gain support. Victory is depriving the Islamofascists the ideological fuel with which they recruit the ordinary citizens to join the ranks of the jihad.

Terrorism itself is only a tactic of violence; it finds its roots in an ideology and thus cannot be defeated by military might alone. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelan, founded in 1975 in Sri Lanka as the first terrorist organization to make widespread use of suicide bombing, are amazingly still blowing themselves up as part of their independence movement there (talk about dedication!), simply because they are still not independent from Sri Lanka, and thus can still recruit their martyrs with an effective narrative of foreign oppression and victimization. The near-infinite willingness of a people to willingly slaughter themselves in an ideological protest against foreign occupation has been confirmed over and over, from the Algerian resistance to French occupation, to America's own experience in Vietnam.

Unfortunately, most of the fuel for the global jihad is supplied by current American foreign policy in the Middle East. It is true, as some allege, that Islamists hate nearly every feature of Western society, from our politics to our culture, and as a result, it is easy to say that Islamic terrorism against America is a fait accompli stemming from a fanatical worldview that hates everything we stand for. But while Islamists indeed harbor grand visions of world empire under Allah, their delusions of global theocracy have been swirling around the Middle East ever since Muhammad began claiming his divinity; only recently did Islamic terrorism emerge as a dangerous threat to America. As late as the 1950s, Arab nations still sought out American mediation in their international disputes, respecting our independence and fairness, despite presumably still harboring atavistic religious hatred toward Our American Freedoms. Seven decades later, Uncle Sam is reviled like no one else in the world.

Libertarians, like Ron Paul, rightly point out that the difference between the good ol' days of respect for America and the current days of Death to America is a U.S. foreign policy of interference in the Middle East. Rudy Giuliani and his supporters would like to believe otherwise. But nothing is more devastating in the obliteration of Rudy G's arguments than the facts.

Back in 1998, Cato Institute scholar Ivan Eland had already been looking at the facts, and as a result, he had already begun to note the growing trend of America's terrorist threat, corresponding directly and invariably with American intervention into the Middle East. Unlike both Bush and Clinton, Eland was already keenly aware of al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and their growing threat to American interests. (If only Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney read the Cato Institute.) Here are some partial excerpts of his prescient work, from his 1998 paper Does U.S. Intervention Overseas Breed Terrorism? The Historical Record:

July 2, 1915: The Senate reception room in the U.S. Capitol was damaged by a homemade bomb built by Erich Muenter, a former Harvard professor who was upset by sales of U.S. munitions to the Allies in World War I.

June 5, 1968: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, former attorney general and senior policy adviser to President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, who had grown up on the West Bank and regarded Kennedy as a collaborator with Israel.

March 1971: A bomb exploded in a U.S. Senate restroom, causing extensive damage. The bombing came at a time of rising opposition to U.S. policies in Vietnam.

November 4, 1979: Supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, capturing hostages that were not freed until January 1981. The embassy was captured as a protest against long-time U.S. support for the unpopular shah of Iran.

July 22, 1980: Ali Akbar Tabatabai, a former press counselor at the Iranian embassy in the United States during the shah's reign, was assassinated by the Islamic Guerrillas of America (IGA) after he had supplied U.S. officials with a manifesto of the IGA that advocated strategically planned terrorism on U.S. soil and assassinations of U.S. officials, stating, Any American can be targeted... no American is innocent... as long as U.S. foreign policies are to the detriment of the Islamic community.

April 8 and October 23, 1983: Islamic militants, funded by Iran and supported by Syria, suicide bombed the U.S. embassy and U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 290 people and wounding 200 more. The attack remains the deadliest post-World War II attack on Americans overseas. The Americans were supporting the Christian government in Lebanon against the Muslim militias by training and arming the Lebanese National Army. The U.S. Marines were later withdrawn from Beirut, prompting a Hezbollah spokesman to brag that the $martyrs! had finally forced the Marines out of Lebanon.

April 5, 1986: Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi sponsored the bombing of the La Belle nightclub in West Berlin, which was frequented by U.S. servicemen. The United States retaliated for the La Belle bombing with air strikes against Tripoli and Benghazi, Libya. In retaliation for the U.S. air strikes on Libya, an American hostage in Lebanon was sold to Libya and executed; Libyans attempted to blow up the U.S. embassy in Lomé, Togo; a Libyan agent, Abu Nidal, hijacked Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi, Pakistan, killing several Americans; The Japanese Red Army, under contract from Abu Nidal, planted a bomb at the USO military club in Naples, Italy, on the two-year anniversary of the air strikes, killing five; and two Libyan agents bombed Pan Am Flight 103, killing 270 people, 200 of whom were Americans.

March 10, 1989: A pipe bomb exploded beneath a van owned by the commander of the U.S.S. Vincennes, who had shot down an Iranian airliner over the Persian Gulf (killing 290 civilians) during U.S. participation in the $tanker war! against Iran. March 12, 1991: During the Gulf War, a U.S. Air Force sergeant was blown up by a remotecontrolled bomb placed at the entrance of his residence in Athens, Greece. $November 17!, the deadliest terrorist group in Greece, November 17, which attacks U.S. targets because of American imperialism-nationalism!, claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 26, 1993: A group of Islamic terrorists detonated a massive van bomb in the garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. The Egyptian perpetrators were trying to kill 250,000 people by collapsing the towers. Ramzi Yousef, the leader of the terrorists, said the intent was to inflict Hiroshima-like casualties to punish the United States for its foreign policy toward the Middle East. The perpetrators considered augmenting the explosion with radiological or chemical agents that would have increased the casualties.

April 15, 1993: Seventeen Iraqis were arrested as part of government plot to assassinate former president George Bush on a visit to Kuwait, in retaliation for the Gulf War against Iraq.

June 1993: Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman--a militant Egyptian cleric--and other radical Muslims conspired to destroy several New York landmarks on the same day. Funding for the operation apparently came from Iran and was funneled through Sudan, attempting to punish the United States for its policies toward the Middle East.

October 3, 1993: Osama bin Laden's operatives trained Somali tribesmen who conducted ambushes of U.S. peacekeeping forces in Somalia in support of clan leader Mohamed Farah Aideed, causing the death of 18 American Army Rangers, and the dragging of dead American soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu. An indictment of his followers alleged the United States--an $infidel nation!--had a nefarious plot to occupy Islamic countries, as demonstrated by its involvement in the peacekeeping operation in Somalia and the Persian Gulf War. The incident led to the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Somalia, which bin Laden called his group's greatest triumph.

November 13, 1995: A car bombing of a military complex in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia--which housed a U.S. military advisory group--killed 7 people (including 5 Americans) and wounded 42 others. Muslim militants seeking to topple the Saudi monarchy and push the infidel United States out of Saudi Arabia carried out the bombings. Three groups, including the Islamic Movement for Change, claimed responsibility. U.S. officials suspect that Osama bin Laden was involved....

We can fill in the rest. Years later, 9/11 ushered in the modern War on Terrorism, and Mr. Bush, with characteristic ignorance of the documented connection between American aggression in the Middle East and Islamic terrorism against America, only further augmented interventionist U.S. foreign policy. That the Bush Doctrine's geopolitical social engineering, especially in Iraq, has been such an unqualified failure is not a surprise to anyone who has read this article thus far.

Another obvious problem with the Bush Doctrine and its exportation of Democracy is that nearly every Arab Muslim lives in a Non- Democracy, and thus America's grand experiment looks, from the perspective of the common man, to simply be imperialist meddling with his local government. The Bush Doctrine, even if it somehow succeeded (i.e. when the "fight is won," perhaps), would only guarantee a Pyrrhic victory at best. With every terrorist mastermind captured in Iraq, dozens of martyrs sign up to avenge his death and battle the American Empire. Iraq itself wasn't even a haven for al-Qaida operatives until after America invaded it. While bin Laden, confirmed murderer of American civilians, roams the globe free, Mr. Bush is pleased that we've killed terrorist al- Zarqawi, whose horrific and disgusting attacks were all against America's presence in Iraq, never threatening continental America itself. The Bush Administration, it seems, is really only successful at capturing terrorists of its own creation. Sadly, U.S. interventionism Iraq itself wasn't even a haven for al-Qaida operatives until after America invaded it. The Bush Administration, it seems, is really only successful at capturing terrorists of its own creation.

Sadly, U.S. interventionism (Operation Terrorist Creation) is not limited to the occupation of Iraq. The CIA and NSA continue to interfere in the political affairs of various nations the world over, funding, training and assisting various anti-Islamic movements and governments, from the Caspian Sea to the Horn of Africa.

While such action may excite the intellectual tribalists in the neoconservative movement, the problem with such meddling is that the CIA-backed alternatives to Islamism, just like the CIAbacked alternatives to Communism, tend to usually be brutal nationalist dictators or military juntas, and are just as bad, or worse, than Islamism for the people we are supposedly "liberating." As a result, our intervention only enhances political oppression, civil unrest and poverty, which, studies show, then only serves as a breeding ground for Islamic extremism. The whole nasty process only further convinces the Islamic diaspora that America is waging a war on Islam. This is not how to win the hearts and minds of the world's people.

Our current policy, in its blind aggression and geopolitical ignorance, purports to fight terrorists "where they are making their stand," but it only serves to make them more effective and numerous. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, radical clerics, government bankrollers, and their potential recruits can now all observe a visible military and political occupation to justify their ongoing resistance against the Great Satan. In these backward societies deprived of freedom of information and thought, radical Islamofascist rhetoric, combined with clear evidence of American global occupation, is sadly enough for terrorists to gain alarming popular traction, financial support, and willing martyrs. This mobilization of terrorists, potentially creating hundreds of thousands of jihadists, if America's belligerent foreign policy continues apace, is becoming the greatest threat the United States of America faces.

In intelligent recognition of this reality, America should immediately repudiate the Bush Doctrine and pursue a policy of intelligent disengagement. First, those terrorists and organizations which have committed or planned acts of aggression against the United States, such as al-Qaida, should be pursued with vigor; this is our most important mission and should be treated as such. Second, America must cease all nation-building, internal interference, and general military interventionism in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, in order to deprive terrorists of their fuel for jihad. Regimes, organizations and groups who do not threaten direct harm to the United States should not be the target of any U.S. military campaign. As we've repeatedly argued, the occupation of Iraq should immediately end.

As Americans, we all desire to win the war and to enjoy permanent security. But like Vietnam, Quebec, and Somalia, not all battles our government chooses to fight are winning ones; and like My Lai, Manzanar, and the Bay of Pigs, not all tactics our military prefers are desirable. An extension of that nugget of common sense dictates that as long as U.S. foreign policy glorifies the imperialist fallacies of neoconservatism, we libertarians will continue to rightly inveigh against it.

The Bush Administration's blind allegiance to aggression over knowledge perverts not only the lessons of Sun Tsu, but also the American Founders' original vision of a nation seeking only peaceful trading ties, the avoidance of entangling political alliances, and a national defense to respond powerfully only when directly provoked. The authentic patriot believes in these true American principles of intelligent self-defense, and knows that they alone can safely guide our nation through these troubled and dangerous times.

The author of The American Evolution, Matt Harrison is the founder and executive director of The Prometheus Institute, Los Angeles, CA, a nonprofit public policy institute. He has authored more than 200 articles and has been a guest on several talk radio shows and a guest blogger for CNN.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Various Types of Pet Businesses That Have Become Popular For Dog Lovers

Americans are huge Dog lovers. In fact, most of the homes in this country have at least one pet and most of them contain a Dog. Pets have become an enormous business as more Dog owners pamper their pets and give them more than a lot of people do for their own children. This article will discuss the variety of businesses that cater to the specific needs of their pets like healthcare when they suffer from Dog arthritis and dog diarrhea to special hotels and spas just for dogs and cats.

Many people are waiting longer to get married and even longer to have kids these days. During that time before they have families of their own, these people are treating their dogs like they actually are their children pampering and buying things that you could never imagine. Because of this, the pet business has increased rapidly every year for the past 8 years making it one of the best businesses to enter in currently. Pet owners are sparing no expense when it comes to their dogs and the businesses for these luxuries are evident of that.

One type of business that has grown greatly for pets is a doggie boutique that offers all things for dogs in accessories and necessities. Many dog owners, particularly one with small dogs, enjoy dressing up their dogs in a variety of outfits not unlike things you would buy for your child. They have special occasion dresses for their birthday parties as well as winter coats for the snow and even special costumes for them to wear on Halloween. Whatever the occasion, there is surely an outfit for your dog to fit that. In these boutiques, they also sell special dog beds that vary from the simple cushion dog bed to an ornate four poster custom bed that costs more than $10,000.

Another type of pet business is the great success of doggie daycare and doggie hotels for boarding when the owner is away. With most people and couples both working full time, the thought of leaving their dog inside all day alone is upsetting so they take it to a special dog daycare where the dog can play with other dogs all day long and have fun. Once again, not unlike something you would do for your own child. Old fashioned kennels to board your dog when you go on vacation is not good enough for today's dog owners either. There are luxury pet hotels that may rival the services of top human hotels. They have a variety of suites, complete with themed rooms, flat screen TV's tuned into the Animal Planet and special soft serve yogurt treats at bedtime.

The final type of dog business that has grown rapidly is that of the dog groomer. Instead of a bland groomer business you now can take your dog to a special spa where they can not only receive a haircut and a bath but other services that you would see at a regular spa like: pedicures complete with nail polish, massages, and reflexology.

Chuck R Stewart learned how effective the skills of dog arthritis specialist can be for pain relief in older dogs. He also studied the different remedies available to curb the onset of dog diarrhea in maturing dogs.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bird Control in Athletic Stadiums

Several years ago, during a Detroit Tigers home game at Comerica Park, 60 or so herring gulls descended on the stadium, dive bombing players and fans alike. Were they after the foot-long hot Dogs? The ketchup-drenched French fries? The roasted peanuts? No way. They were gobbling up the recently hatched army moths fluttering about the stadium lights.

While in Comercia's case, it was moths that provided the snacks, more often, our feathered friends will settle for leftovers provided by fans. It's a scenario oft repeated in open-air facilities around the country. A stadium's geographic location can also contribute to the problem. In Comerica's case, it was their proximity to the Detroit River and several other large bodies of fresh water that accounted for the speedy invasion of gulls. 

Throughout the country, annoying starlings, sparrows and pigeons have stadium operators on alert as they roost in rafters and other structures that provide shelter, protection from natural predators and, of course, snacks. Regrettably, unlike the moth-hungry gulls in Detroit, sparrows, starlings and pigeons will usually stay for the season, and the longer they entrench themselves, the more stubborn they become.

Aside from being an annoyance, birds cost businesses plenty every year. Bird droppings are unsightly and require cleanup and painting crews to remove or cover up the mess they leave behind. What's worse, these droppings often cause extensive damage to building windows, roofs, skylights, rotating air vents, and air conditioning units. These birds can also carry and transmit over 60 known transmittable diseases.

So what to do? Some resort to violence using BB guns. One Red Sox urban legend suggested that Boston Red Sox's Ted Williams would bone up for hunting season by bringing his shotgun to Fenway Park and picking off a few pigeons. The problem with this solution is that it only treats the symptom. By killing off one species of birds, these draconian measures simply make room for other species to nest and breed.

Fortunately, there are more humane solutions to ridding stadiums of pesky birds. These proven methods are more effective that taking up arms against feathered invaders. Products designed to rid pest birds vary in price and scope and fall into the categories of bird deterrents and bird repellents. Among the more popular and effective bird control deterrents for keeping birds out of stadiums are physical barriers, such as netting and bird spikes.

Netting should be non-conductive, UV stabilized and both rot proof and waterproof. Bird spikes will keep birds from landing and nesting. Many come in two foot sections, so they're easy to install and maintain. Another deterrent, often specified by architects for pigeons and larger birds, is bird wire. It combines low visibility with low maintenance. Then there's the electric solution-shock track systems. They give curious birds a mild electric shock, yet they cause no harm and are ideal for all varieties of winged pests. One other tactic for dispersing pest birds from open areas is the use of aerosol mists. Bird-B-Gone makes a system ideal for stadiums since it lets you attach up to 64 misters that can be individually controlled.

Cincinnati Reds VP of ballpark operations tried "everything" to chase pigeons and starlings from the club's Great American Ball Park, which opened in 2003. The problem was particularly noticeable at the stadium because most of its steel supports were painted white. After pigeons roosting in highway structures just outside the stadium were driven out, the birds settled in next door to the steel supports of the ballpark's highest seating level. Every day, crews were dispatched to steam-clean the park's concourses and power-wash its white beams. Certain areas had to be monitored constantly to make sure pigeon droppings weren't infiltrating stadium concession areas, which could present safety code violations and cause fans to get sick.

The ballpark tried fake owls and wrapping the steel beams in textured metal. A fastball delivered by Randy Johnson in a 2001 spring training game obliterated a low-flying pigeon. But the only thing that worked was fine-mesh netting. The secret is to totally interrupt the flock's roosting pattern. 

The point is, short of a 100 mph fastball or a shotgun, there are far more effective deterrents and repellents to keep our fine-feathered friends out of athletic stadiums.