Saturday, November 5, 2011

Brittany Spaniel - Dog Breed Info

The Brittany Spaniel, a member of the Sporting Dog Group is a fantastic all around Dog. Known as a hunter. They also have a great disposition and very friendly. Could a Brittany Spaniel be the right dog breed for you? Choosing the right breed dog is very important for you and for the dog. Here are the dog breed standards and other important information you should read prior to buying a new dog or puppy for your home.

History: Also referred to as the Epagneul Breton or Brittany Spaniel, this breed of dogs derives its name from the French province of Brittany from where it originated. The breed was primarily used to hunt woodcocks in France. Their numbers started declining sharply but due to the breeding programs of Arthur Enaud they have been successfully revived. The Brittany was introduced in the United States around 1925.

The type of work the breed does: The Brittany is extremely popular for its hunting capabilities as it is known to be an exceptional in pointing towards the catch. They are also ranked high as "friendly" watchdogs due to their sharp sense of sight and smell, but have developed into very good companion and family dogs.

Physical Representation: This breed is leggy, medium-sized and has a compact build. The color of the eyes which are either amber or hazel as well as the darkness of the nose are ascertained by the color of the coat. The skull is round and of medium length with the muzzle being ram-shaped and having a distinct stop. The ears are fringed and triangular in shape hanging in close proximity to the head. The tail is about four inches in length and can be naturally short or docked.

Personality and Temperament: The breed is very active, intelligent, loyal and obedient. They grasp every possible opportunity to please their owners. Being essentially good-natured, they take to children very easily. Moderate training is sufficient in order to instill a sense of duty and obedience in the Brittany. However, excessively harsh training or ill-treatment can make them timid or nervous. They have a reputation for developing a special attachment to one particular member of the household but do not undermine the authority of the other members. Early socializing can make them accept other pets and dogs readily.

Care: The Brittany does not require too much of grooming and minimal attention is adequate. Regular brushing of the coat will keep it in good condition. Trimming of the feet and hocks will prevent the unwanted accumulation of foreign substances but more intricate trimming is required for dogs to be presented in shows. Bathing, dry shampoo and clipping of the nails should be done as and when necessary. The ears should be checked when it has been exposed to brushy terrains. The Brittany is considered to be an average shedder.

Living environment: Known to be hyperactive at times, the Brittany requires a back yard and a considerable amount of physical exercise. They are known to be good apartment dwellers due to their small size but are best utilized in the country side when they have been assigned to do a particular job.

At a glance:

  • Breed Group: Sporting Dog Group

  • Height: 17.5 to 20.5 inches

  • Weight: 30 to 40 lb

  • Color: orange and white, liver and white, tri-colored.

  • Life Expectancy: 12 - 14 years

  • Average litter size: 6

Did you find this article interesting? Jim is a true professional dog trainer building a dog breed encyclopedia one breed at a time. To learn more about the various dog breeds or just leading and training your dog, visit his two other sites at Jim Hodges Dog Training and his training and behavior blog at Contain-A-Pet Electronic Dog Fencing.


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