Thursday, July 28, 2011

Guinea Pig Popcorning Explained

Guinea pigs are very unique animals and have their own way of expressing themselves. It's hard not to adore your little piggy when he's standing up on his hind legs, looking at you with those eager eyes, hoping you notice him and feed him; it's hard not to feel sad for the little girl when you see her all curled up in a ball in a corner of the cage when she's depressed. These and other forms of cute behavior make guinea pigs one of the most loved pets on the planet.

Popcorning is one such behavior that most guinea pig owners just love to watch! When a guinea pig popcorns, he or she hops up into the air, and almost immediately after landing, hops up again. Usually, the piggy will jump in all sorts of random directions and will even run around a lot. This sudden hopping action looks much like popcorn when it pops, hence the name.

Popcorning rarely lasts more than a few seconds but often happens when the guinea pig sees his owner, so it's hard to miss. So why do pigs popcorn then? They do it because they're happy and contented. If your pig is popcorning then it means he or she's well fed and well taken care of, so hats off to you! However, you should note that pigs will not popcorn when you're holding them. If they do, it means they want you to put them down and they're actually feeling scared, not happy.

It can be an awesome sight to see your guinea pig popcorning. But that doesn't mean you can force the little guy to do it. A lot of people ask how to get their pig to do it and the answer is simple: take good care of your pet and he or she will do it on their own. Make sure you have a camera handy all the time, so you can catch it on tape!

Do you understand your guinea pig well? Can you tell what he or she wants every time? Or would you like a little more help interpreting your piggy's behavior? If so, head over to and check out the Guinea Pig Care Bible. It is a massive collection of tried and trusted information on guinea pig care, and instantly provides answers to all your guinea pig questions. Click here to check it out now.


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