Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dog Attack - Claiming Compensation

Have you been bitten, attacked or knocked over by a Dog and have suffered injuries from this accident, if so you have a legal and civil right to claim compensation.

Whether you're an adult or a child who has been attacked by a Dog it doesn't matter. The Dog may have been off a lead or has got free from his collar whatever the circumstances you shouldn't be suffering in silence. There have been serious dog attacks in the news recently and there are a few where a child has died. The news coverage of these cases has caused more people to be more aware of dog attacks and some people carry walking sticks, wooden sticks and canes to protect themselves and their dog if another dog was to attack them or their dog.

The dog may pounce on you and knock you over but it also may try and bite you. Many dogs have very sharp teeth and therefore puncture wounds are very common but not only may you suffer puncture wounds but also scratches and flesh wounds. You must seek medical attention for dog attack wounds because dogs have several types of bacteria and viral infections in their mouths. If you can remember the breed of the dog that attacked you tell the medical team this helps them in giving you medical treatment.

You need to make sure you get the contact information from the owner of the dog that attacked you so you are able to pass these details onto the police and your solicitor when making your compensation claim. To make a compensation claim you will sue the person who is or has the responsibility of the dog, this person may not be the owner of the dog.

The only way you won't make a successful compensation claim against the person responsible for the dog is when that person has done everything they can to protect others if they know there dog may be dangerous. This includes making sure the dog is secure and can't get out alone, putting Beware of the Dog signs up as well as warning friends, family and neighbours not to approach the dog as it may attack. If the owner has took these measures and someone ignores the signs and measures then the attack may be provoked or on purpose. If the owner proves this they sometimes won't be liable for the attack and compensation due to contributory negligence.

If you've suffered injuries and suffering from the dog attack you may be liable to receive compensation. This compensation will recover any medical costs and fees you've paid and will need to pay in the future, the suffering mentally and physically you have suffered and any loss of earning you may have incurred.

If you're worried about costs of a compensation claim then why not think about using a No Win No Fee solicitor. This means you don't have to pay a penny if you don't win the case and if you do you will receive the full amount of compensation awarded. So what have you got to lose, nothing so don't suffer in silence, claim today!

Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Accident Consult who specialise in No Win No Fee Dog Attack Compensation Claims.

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