Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Small Dog Breeds Need Warmth In Winter

Chihuahua's, Bichon Frise, Yorkies, Poodles, Miniature Schnauzer's, all small Dog breeds, all Dogs in fact should be outfitted appropriately in Dog clothes for the cold weather. Small and older dogs need special attention because they are generally more prone to illness or injury if not properly cared for. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes; thankfully, dog clothiers know this and good online marketers will even tell you how and where to measure your loved one to be sure you get good fitting clothing for your dog. In all situations, all pets should be clothed according to the weather and the activity involved. What's surprising to me is that many dog owners do not know to be aware of proper clothing issues for their special friends.

Dressing dogs of all sizes is important for the health, well being and comfort of your animal - and for you! When first starting to care for your dog by choosing special clothing for him, be sure to look for appropriate quality. For example, if it is raining or snowing, you certainly do not want your dog to feel the cold damp weather, catch a chill and shiver after their walk...choose a jacket that is water-resistant. You will also want to think about their bed or other favorite area to rest in their home, small dog breeds should be given a warm, fleece blanket for extra protection during the drafty, cold winter months.

As I mentioned, dog clothing is important. Now, if you have never attempted to dress your small dog before think about the first time you put a collar on him, then a leash. It was not easy was it? Now imagine dressing your dog for the first time...think it is going to be a challenge? You are right! The beginning is not always easy, but this needed activity is something I am going to encourage you to do as it is providing good care for your small dog; the reality is some dogs will even learn how to help you dress them.

First, recognize that you are excited to introduce your dog to his new outfit, but your dog has no idea what you are about to do. So choose your special friend's first clothes wisely - start with something simple to put on him. This will help you and your small dog to get used to dressing your small dog and even to enjoy the time together. For the first pieces of clothing you may want to just try the idea of laying a sweater over his shoulders. As he becomes more used to this you can get into other outfits that may have hoods, arms, legs or even boots. Now since you have chosen your first piece wisely, you should also be smart about how to dress your special friend. You can bet that at first your buddy is not going to want to put anything on him. You can reduce this anxiety and even win him over to like being dressed in dog clothes by dressing your pet several times each day for short periods. While dressed in his clothes, make sure to reward your pup with positive reinforcement, doggie treats, atta boys, lots and lots of petting and good attention - these actions will help most small dog breeds to see wearing his clothing is a fun and rewarding time - which will make putting his clothes on much easier and more enjoyable for you!

Here is an added tip for you and the well-being of your small dog. As you are out walking if you notice your dog is tentatively placing his paws down as he walks, this is a clear sign that his paws are sensitive to something. There are many things that could be bothering him such as ice balls, road salt, cinders or other foreign objects. While there are boots available to protect his paws, you will still want to introduce them slowly so that he can get used to the dressing part - and so he can become used to walking in them as well. Until your dog is used to dressing in dog clothes and boots, after walking, come into the house and check and clean his paws. Check for the ice balls, salt, etc. on the paw pads and between the claws. You can also prevent cuts and infections by simply cleansing the paws after walks with warm soapy water to be sure the salt does not over-dry and crack the paw pads. It is a sign of love and care your dog is sure to enjoy.

Once inside the house, clothing can still be appropriate. Think wisely, if you wear layers in the winter so you can better manage your heating bills, you can bet that your small dog also could benefit from a small dog sweater [http://www.chihuahuaclothesetc.com/-31.html] or hoodie. Again, if you have not mastered the small dog sweater, be sure to have blankets available so your dog can snuggle with you and keep warm. Also, add a blanket to his special bed; many small dogs will instinctively burrow under the blanket to enjoy the soft warmth given by the extra blanket layer.

During the winter, it is also important to keep your dog properly groomed - this will help provide the natural insulation dog coats offer and will prevent things like ice balls from developing which lead only to matting and discomfort for your dog. Do keep your dog's coat brushed and free of mats and burrs; trim the hair between the paw pads. All this will go far to helping maintain a healthy body temperature for your dog and it will make it easier and more enjoyable for you to dress and enjoy your dog.

Now that you have learned how to properly care for your small dog during the winter months, peruse the many places to purchase small dog clothes [http://www.chihuahuaclothesetc.com] such as your local Pet-Smart-type store or online. Wherever you choose to shop for small dog clothes, here are some things to consider before you make your first purchase. You will want to consider quality of material, ease of access, return policy and of course cost. Once you have decided on these purchase points, then you can shop for quality pet clothes that fit your need and budget. The most important point to consider in my opinion is quality. If you buy good quality up front, your purchase will last longer thus fitting a small budget. If you have a larger budget, buying good quality for the essentials will make your money go further and then you can choose to accessorize to fit your preference.

Indoors, outdoors, travelling in a car, train or on a boat in the summer, there are considerations for proper clothing and dressing care for small dog breeds. As the winter months approach, get started looking for special small dog breed clothes [http://www.chihuahuaclothesetc.com/-3.html] for your loved one because if you love your pet as any pet owner does, you want to keep them safe, secure and healthy. This care includes proper pet clothing to protect your small dog from too cold temperatures, windy and rainy conditions and so much more. Remember too, that unlike their counterparts in the wild, domestic pets do not care for themselves, they depend on you, their owner. So though pets in the wild make pens, dens and other shelters, when a pet lives in a human home, it is up to the human to provide the proper care and small dog clothes.


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