Saturday, August 14, 2010

What is the Strongest Breed of Dog? Find Out Today!

The question: "What is the strongest breed of Dog?" will most likely be answered with another question. In the canine world the word "strongest" is a general and vague term. Strength in Dogs is usually classified in the following categories:

-­ Pull
-­ Muscle Strength
-­ Bite

What's funny is, when random people are asked to identify a breed for each of those three categories, they are more likely to provide different answers. Why? Because their answers are also subjective not to mention their answer usually depends on their personal experiences, hearsay and of course, preference. Nevertheless, their responses would mostly center on the following breeds:

-­ Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Dogo Argentino/ Argentinian Mastiff
-­ Mastiff
-­ Rottweiler
-­ Japanese Tosa

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier usually tops one's list in all categories. The first "Staffies" were bred in England to be used for bull baiting. They are mid - sized, short coated dogs with a relatively large head and a powerful jaw. Their bite is said to be so strong that it can be comparable to that of a crocodile. Their bite earned them the bad reputation that they are enduring today.

Several reports would say that they attack children, people and fellow family pets randomly. However, owners, breeders and other experts alike maintain that these dogs are only as good how you train them to be. If trained well, they have the potential to be the most affectionate house pet one can ever have.

Dogo Argentino/ Argentinian Mastiff
The first Dogos were initially bred hunting big animals like boar and cougar. They are mostly white, sometimes speckled and are relatively bigger than bull terriers. They were initially bread for hunting big animals like cougar and boar. Sadly, they are now known to be regulars of the dog fighting games.

As a pet however, Dogos are known to be warm and extremely loyal to their family.

Bull Mastiff
The breed originated from the cross of English Mastiff and Old English Bulldog. Male Bull Mastiffs can be as tall as 2.5 ft, weighing anywhere in between 110 to 130 pounds. Their prominent muscles provide them their heavy stature.

The first Bull Mastiffs initially helped authorities to immobilize poachers. They are independent and can be extra protective of their family and territory. However, despite this seemingly aggressive behavior, more and more people are considering them as house pets. They just need to be socialized at an early age to minimize their tendency to act on their instinct.

Rotts are herding dogs initially bred in Germany. Their color and size can make them appear to be "scary" for regular folks. But their strong musculature became quite handy for farmers. They were used to pull carts to carry produce to the market.

This strong working dog is also patient and loyal to their owners. They are regarded to be good natured, fond of children and are always happy to work.

Japanese Tosa
The rare Tosa is of Japanese origin. This gaming breed is perhaps recognized to be the strongest dog in the world in terms of over - all strength. They are also coined to be "Sumo Dogs" because they are made compete in dog fights that follow the rules of a traditional Sumo wrestling match.

Temperament is somewhat similar to that of Rottweilers. They are extremely loyal, affectionate and protective of children. However, they do not mingle well with other dogs unless if they were raised together.

Looking for more information on what is the [] most popular dog breed Visit [] today to learn everything there is to know!


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