Everyone that has a female Dog has thought about the prospect of breeding her. Who doesn't want to have a puppy to carry on in the family if something would happen to your Dog. Just take the time to think it through before you jump into the puppy making business. Think back to how hard it was to train your puppy when you first brought her home. Are you willing to train all the puppies that your Dog may have to get them ready to go out into the world on their own. That brings up another problem, once you have helped your dog raise these puppies, getting them ready for new owners, are you going to be emotionally able to give the puppies up to strangers? It takes a special kind of person to be a dog breeder, a person that can be attached to these animals and take care of them until it is time to let them go, and pass them along, never looking back.
There are other things that you have to check before you mate your dog that are just as important as your ability to handle the puppies. Never breed your dog unless she is two years old or older. If your dog is younger than this and does manage to carry the puppies to term, she may not be able to take care of them. Most young dogs lose their entire first litter. Making sure that your dog is up to date on all her shots is also important. A vet appointment with a full health check up is always a good idea before you take the breeding step. Be sure to tell your vet that you are at the appointment because you are thinking about mating your dog, they are the most qualified to tell you if your dog is ready to have puppies. Sometimes your vet will even be able to match your dog with the perfect breeding partner. If you think that you can take care of all these problems and any other ones that may arise along the way, you now have to start the process of finding a suitable mating partner.
Finding your dogs partner can be kind of tricky. A lot of the process is going to depend on what breed of dog you have. If it is a popular breed, it is going to be much easier to find her a mate. Try putting an ad in your local paper, in the pet section. A lot of times there is a male dog owner that is in the same predicament as you are. There are also a lot of sites on the web that are devoted to breeding. Hopefully you will get lucky and you will have one of these site close to where you live. Word-of-mouth can be successful now than. Tell all your family members and friends that you are looking for a breeding partner for your dog. Somewhere down the line someone will know someone that has a dog like yours, and they will be able to tell you how to get in touch with this person. Before you find a mate you are going to need to talk to the males owner to set things up. It is important that you talk to them about their breeding fees. Most time there will be a set fee along with the agreement that the stud's owner gets pick of the liter when the pups are born. Breeding your dog will be a lot of hard work, but watching the pup's new owners light up when they see their new family member for the first time makes it all worth it.
For more free pet related guides be sure to check out http://www.petinsurancepro.com. New articles are added daily so you'll be sure so find the answers to your questions.
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