Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is the Heaviest Breed of Dog? A Must Read

They say Dogs are man's best friend. What is better than having a best friend who is big and strong enough to protect you against every sort of danger that lurks all around you? If you want a Dog that you can count on for its size and toughness, your best option is to go for any breed in the mastiff family.

There are some pointers that you should remember before owning this heavy Dog however. It is one thing to know what is the heaviest breed of Dog, but it's another thing to know how to take care of it. Mastiffs, or all big dogs for that matter, eat a lot. They need to be fed big servings and need to be exercised as well to keep them healthy. And to better serve their purpose, you also need to train them extensively.

If you think you are still up to the task, take a look at the following big dog breeds and take your pick.

The Bernese Mountain Dog
This dog is traditionally the farmer's best friend, as it helped them pull their loaded carts across the fields. The breed is characterized by thick double coat that helps it to stand and survive in cold climates. But underneath the thick fur are strong and sturdy muscle sets that require exercise and training. Grooming requires that you brush its coat regularly.

The Bernese Mountain Dog grows up to 27 inches in height and 110 pounds in weight. It lives up to a maximum of eight years. As to personality, expect this giant to be gentle and calm, and generally good-natured, especially to children.

The Bullmastiff
The Bullmastiff is packed with muscles but is at the same time lithe and sprightly. Traditionally, bullmastiffs were tasked to guard properties from trespassers and thieves. To this day, they are a famous breed for families who want guard dogs, although they are not advisable as pets for those who have sleeping problems because they are loud snorers. You also have to forgive them for slobbering all over the place. After all, their endearing personality makes up for these imperfections.

Bullmastiffs can grow up to 130 pounds and 27 inches in height. They can up to 10 years, and would not require a lot of brushing or grooming throughout their lifetime.

The Great Dane
Everyone who loves Scooby Doo will have fun having a Great Dane for a pet. It is a behemoth of a dog, to say the least. But behind this greatness is a cuddly personality. Great Danes love leaning against their owners, but you can address this behavior through proper training. Great Danes are also late bloomers. They become adults after they turn one.

Great Danes can grow up to a whopping 200 pounds, and a towering 36 inches tall. They can live up to 10 years, and can be expected to be gentle all throughout. Although they are primarily indoor-type dogs, you will need to take them out regularly to exercise. The coat will also need occasional brushing.

Looking for more information on what is the most popular dog breed Visit today to learn everything there is to know!


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