Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Choosing a Small Dog Breed May Make Life Easier for You

Puppies have often been sought after for their companionship & entertainment.

When choosing a puppy, it is important to remember that they will grow up one day, and could grow substantially larger! For those who like puppies to stay small and manageable, there are specialist breeds whereby the puppy does not grow much in size.

You can look for these breed names on the internet, or in good books about Dogs. You may want to also look out for breeders who specialise in these type of Dogs.

Four types that are popular with families and celebrities are:

Lhasa Apso Puppies. The Lhasa Apso is a long-lived breed, with some living a reasonable age, keeping good health into their early 20s. They generally have few health problems specific to the breed.

Cocker spaniel puppies. The Cocker Spaniel is excellent with other animals and good with children making it a popular family pet or companion Dog as it simply loves the company of people.

Shih Tzu puppies. The Shih Tzu stands no more than 27 cm (10 1/2 in.) at the withers and with an preferred weight of 4.5 to 7.4 kg (10 to 16 lbs).

Pug Puppies. Pug puppies are often called puglets. This breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colors. They have a compact square body with well-developed muscle. They can be strong willed but not often aggressive. The pug is an ideal pet for families with children.

We considering your choice consider training. It is everyones intention to have the dog obey basic commands. But some learn faster than others. A fast learning breed is likely to be easier to train & pick up commends faster. Whereas a slow learning breed would require added patience.

If you are looking to have an obedient dog, but have limited time for training, why not look at an easy to train breed like a poodle, Shetland sheep dog, or Papillon.

These specialist breeds have become very popular with celebrities. Jessica Karen Szohr, actress & model is thought to have a Lhasa Apso. Geri Halliwell, singer in the Spice Girls band and now actress owns a famous Shih Tzu named Harry. Kelly Osborne owns a pug puppy, and past fans were Queen Victoria & Winston Churchill.

So best of luck in your search, but remember, puppy is just for Christmas, but for life!

Bob Snowzell writes for NatureWorld Pet Superstore in Rotherham that specialises in small dog breeds,& offers puppies for sale


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