The purpose of this article is to improve the public's knowledge about Dogs, the Akita in particular. Many people decide that they want a Dog based off of appearance alone. While this may not be a terrible thing to do if the person has the ability to accommodate all types of Dogs, for some individuals the care for specific types of dog breeds is not possible. The best way to avoid any surprises after the adopting or purchase of a dog is to understand the breed and what it takes to care for it. We will go over some of the basic characteristics of the Akita to help you get a better understanding of the Akita as a breed and possibly a new addition to your family.
Sometimes categorized in the working group, the Akita is a powerful, attention demanding dog, due to its large size of 28 inches tall and 110 lbs. They have a crisp color scheme, sharp lines and curled tail. The Akita is very controlling of its environment and all of the people in it. The owning of an Akita takes a specific type of person. Aggressive by nature armed with the tools needed for destruction, the Akita is not a good family dog. This breed requires a sizable amount of food and grooming and needs lots of exercise. If the Akita fits your lifestyle, you will have a fantastic companion, however if the circumstances are not right it could be a recipe for disaster.
We hope that we have assisted you I your quest for knowledge and understanding of the Akita. Please look below for some additional resources. The first thing you will want to do is see what the Akita looks like. The next thing you will need to do is house train your Akita. We find that one of the most common reasons that someone will get rid of Akita's is that they are not house trained. There is a wonderful manual that can be used and you will find the link below. Lastly we want you to show off your new Akita. There is a wonderful online dog community complete with a forum for you to post pictures to. Check it out.
The key to success is to love your Akita and nothing will help you achieve that more than bonding with them. Spend time with your Akita and make them a happy and healthy addition to your family.
Learn about dog training or house braking.
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