Dog breeding is a fascinating experience, and achieving a successful Dog breeding is no easy task. This activity depends on the detail, every little detail adds up like: good supplies, medical attention, nutrition, passion for the subject, etc.
If you are a beginner don't worry, your chances of successful Dog breeding will increase over time. But there are some things that can take you faster down the road.
One of these things is keeping track and records of your dogs and breeding activities. This acts like "business diary" that you can always consult if a problem arises during breeding. One of the things that you'll want to write down is the heat period of the female dog, along with the signs and any medical observation. The help of a veterinarian could prove critical when starting out.
Choosing a Mate
Successful dog breeding will also depend on the male, although males have less reproductive problems, they can still be there, problems like low sperm production, anatomical defects and infections.
Male has to be examined properly with lab tests regarding the semen and blood.
Timing of the Mating
You should choose the absolutely best timing for mating. For this you'll want to measure the hormones levels of the female and her fertility. If there is a delay in the ovulation, the chances of reproduction will go down drastically.
Remember that a successful breeding needs close attention. Miss anything and your number of success will diminish. If there are still missing parts in your breeding knowledge I'd suggest that you read more about the subject on books or the Web.
If you want to learn more about successful dog breeding, I invite you to visit, where you'll find all the information needed to be a great dog breeder.
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