Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is There Morality in War? What Does the Bible Really Say?

The question of whether or not a believer in Jesus Christ can serve his or her country; kill the enemies of our country and at the same time fulfill the biblical mandate of loving your fellow man has troubled the conscience of many Christians.

Does any nation have the DIVINE RIGHT to exercise the sword or even to maintain a war department?

Is it biblical to be a conscientious objector?

Is there a direct contradiction between the direct commands of God in Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt NOT kill"
Deuteronomy 7:2 ". . . Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them. . . "?

What is up here? Have we found a contradiction in the Bible?

The first thing we must understand and recognize is the clear biblical distinction between the spiritual kingdom on earth today; made up of believers in Jesus Christ and the earthly kingdom; composed of citizens of the national entity.

The biblical principles concerning the spiritual kingdom apply to the believer ONLY, while the biblical principles concerning the physical earthly kingdom are for BOTH us and the unbeliever alike.

The forefathers of this country understood this when they forged the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Jesus himself understood this when he stated: "... render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars; and unto God the things which are God's. "

The Christians responsibility is first to the body of Christ; then to the state, but they must not be confused as to the proper place and function of each one. They are BOTH ordained of God; but are NOT the same thing!

In Matthew 22 Jesus demonstrated the compatibility between Bible doctrine and our national heritage. In verses 1-14; he established the existence of a spiritual kingdom on earth. There are four divine institutions or principles set up by God under the divine laws of establishment for the perpetuation of the human race:

1.)Volition or free will; which is the basis of true freedom and which we as a people lost at the fall of man in the garden. But we must choose to be free even in the state of bondage.
2.) Marriage between a man and a women-Which is the stabilizer within the human race; without biblical Marriage relationships freedom is simply an illusion.
3.) Family- which is the basis for orderly societal stability.
4.) Nationalism- which exists to KEEP THE WORLD from turning into chaos and prevent Satan from completely taking over the world according to:

Isaiah 14:12 "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer; son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground you who weakened the nations!"

As you can see without strong national pride and heritage rooted in biblical doctrine we could not begin to protect our freedom or guarantee effective evangelism. The Bible nowhere advocates INTER-nationalism... period!

Amos 3:3 says:"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"

Human government was established in Genesis 9. God himself divided the land masses and the people into separate nations to prevent them from being destroyed.

Why? Because in Genesis 11:1-9 Internationalism was becoming the breeding ground for a concentration of wickedness and a total rejection of God.

God's indictment against internationalism at the Tower of Babel was the dispersion of the human race. He would give them different languages as a barrier to prevent future international schemes succeeding. God himself ordained geographical boundaries so that they would begin to seek the lord according to Acts 17:26-27. Nationalism provides law and order to protect individual volition so that people may have freedom of privacy within the law. It provides freedom to own property; to make decisions and conduct a legitimate business apart from the governments interference. A national entity must provide a system of free enterprise where there is the opportunity for advancement compatible with their individual ability.

Authority within the National Entity

The divine establishment of authority is spoken of in Romans 13:1-7. We as believers have a "Mode of operation" to function as citizens of both the spiritual kingdom and the national kingdom.
Two kingdoms co-exist and both have functions within the national entity:they are to be coordinated; but NEVER combined!

Both the spiritual and the national should never be in conflict with each other, but when the Bible is ignored and the principle of the separation of Church and state which is supposed to protect the Church entity from government establishment of a particular denomination getting supremacy over the others. Thomas Jefferson suggested and believed in this principle in his letters to a Baptist minister who was afraid of one denomination or religion gaining preeminence within our governments structure. That a WALL of separation between the actions of one man-made institution and the state DOES EXIST and should exist; but at the same time a WALL does NOT exist to separate the principles of God's laws from our governments laws- the two are and must be one.

1.)There exists two kingdoms:Church and State.
2.)There is a clear distention between Church and State.
3.)The Christian has the responsibility to the state as well as to God.
4.)Whenever the State does not follow Biblical concepts of nationalism; then the believer is to declare his or her allegiance to God by making the issues of salvation and other doctrines clear. This helps the state define and maintain it's freedoms and if the state refuses to repent it seals it's judgment to come!
5.)The Church is to support GOOD government; but NEVER to become that government! We do not "condone practice" but we "condone principles". These rules restrain and block unbelievers from practicing evil acts in overflow as in Babel. The Believer is restrained by their conscience ruled over by the Holy Spirit!

The Divine View of the Military

I believe NO ONE has the right to avoid Military service or to be a so-called conscientious objector on the basis of morality; and certainly not on the basis of religion or Christian belief. From the standpoint of the Bible; there are no such creatures as conscientious objectors. There are COWARDS and and people who are totally ignorant of bible doctrine; but there are no biblical reasons for any one to be a conscientious objector.

Allow me to demonstrate to you from the scripture and our own government doctrines that the Supreme courts ruling; permitting exemption from military service or the draft on moral grounds is contrary to biblical doctrine.

This principle is strongly expressed in:

"The American Creed" by William Tyler Page; adopted by an act of Congress in April the 6Th 1918:which states

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy IN A REPUBLIC; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon these principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, support it's constitution; to obey it's laws, to respect it's flag, and to DEFEND IT against ALL enemies. "

The Bible has a great deal to say concerning War. The real confusion comes in regard to the ignorance of God's viewpoint on the subject! Whether or not you like war; the bible teaches that warfare which is necessary to protect:
1.) Your Country and
2.)To defend your freedoms under God is BOTH a moral right and justified END in itself! Now I am not referring to the immoral acts that take place on both sides of a war but to the moral principle of war when necessary!

What about fighting and KILLING the enemies of America? Is this a moral or Immoral stand?

"Thou shalt not kill" Does this happen in war? Yes, sometimes in war as in life people do "Murder" without cause in war; BUT the term to KILL here is "Murder without cause" not the same thing as killing of the enemies of a nation under moral defense. This commandment is referring to "Homicide Murder" under normal social conditions not wartime conditions!If it were not for National Wars to protect nations from conquers all the world would have been in Chaos century's ago!

Eccl. 3:3 says that there is "a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up. "

Eccl. 3:8 says there is "a time to love and a time to hate, a time OF WAR; and a time of peace. "

There will always be in the framework of this present world system in spite of man's best efforts for peace. Jesus said clearly that:". . ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war; be ye not troubled:for such things MUST be. . . " (Mark 13:7; Matt 24:6; Luke 21:9 )You can alleviate poverty but not eradicate it completely ( Deut 15:11; John 12:8)

War cannot be completely abolished because of the old sin nature which resides in every person and because of Satan's personal ruler ship over this "world system" (John 12:31).
Only Christ can and will abolish both poverty and War when he returns to earth. During his Millennial reign; the swords will be turned into plow sheers; the spears into pruning hooks and man shall be taught war no more. (Isaiah 2:4; Mic. 4:3)

Until then, war will continue to be a doctrine from the word of God we must deal with. (Eccl. 3:8)
According to biblical standards WAR is not for Children but only Adults although at times in our own history as with other nations teens were drafted but the bible says in Numbers 1:2-3 and 26:4 and sets the standard at 20 years and above! There was an exception stated for the Jews in Deuteronomy 24:5 that certain adults were not to go to war.

The man with a new wife shall not go to war nor be charged with any business; simply because God knew that he would not have his mind on the war or his business so he was free from war and business for one year.

JUST warfare is from God

NOT all warfare is from God or justified in any way, War for personal gain or political aggrandizement such as what the Nazi movement or Japanese governments of "National Worship" over the world. As a mad Dog must be destroyed, so that it's oppression and evil be stopped forever never to rise again! God uses War to Judge all depraved , sin-filled nations whose viewpoint is incompatible with Divine Nationalism. Many times in the Old Testament God allowed War to destroy a Nation completely to keep it's corruption from spreading or to preserve his people from destruction.

(Read Genesis 15:14, 16. Leviticus 18:25; Amos 2:9; I Kings 21:26)

In I Chronicles 5:19-22 The Jews were fighting the Hagarites-a branch of the Arabs descended from Hagar. This War was a part of the Conquest of Canaan ordered by God as Judgment for the Canaanites' Apostasy of vile sin. Verse 22 reads ". . . for there fell down many slain; because the WAR WAS OF GOD. . . . "This war was God's WILL, and an enemy was KILLED!

In God's will there MUST be a Decisive defeat of his Enemies

Total annihilation and decisive defeat of the enemies of God or a Nation are the ONLY way to assure complete PEACE not listening to talking heads at the U. N. or "False political strongholds" held by Cowards who fear men!

Annihilation means the total eradication of all the enemies strongholds NOT the capturing of small towns and villages or geographic areas back and forth. Enemies MUST be decimated down to the last man and this alone involves effective strategy, tactics and logistics in order to accomplish real lasting peace.

(Read Deuteronomy 20:17, 20; Joshua 11:21-23; 14:11-15; Psalm 46:8-9)

We must realize that the Bible is "PRO-JUST WAR" But the problem in a lot of the wars the U. S. has fought in is that we have not fought a Just war because we have not gone far enough to win decisively, we've fought politically instead of God's way! The Vietnam and Korean conflicts are the perfect examples of a political wars for personal agendas in Washington. We tied our soldiers hands behind their backs with little support; this is NOT a biblical War but should have been! It is not that we went to war that was wrong but the simple fact that we went for person gain and not with the blessings of God!If peace is not the result then the war was useless and accomplished nothing.

Psalm 18:34 says "God teaches my hands TO WAR. . . " and the believers faith protects us in time of War. Job 5:20 says "In famine he shall redeem you from death: and IN WAR from the power of the sword. "

Remember this; NO people have ever been FREE without having that freedom challenged by those who hate freedom; cowards who hide behind women and children and attack at the backs never looking us in the eyes, these must be DECIMATED UTTERLY or we give them our freedom to be human beings blessed by God! In both the struggle and the perpetuation of Jewish freedom after the Exodus; God was the Commander in Chief of their armies (Joshua 5:13-6:2).

Jesus in War is NOT the "meek and mild" painted figure in religion; his garment is dipped in the blood of his enemies for whenever you see the title. . . "Lord of Hosts" you are seeing "Lord of heavens Armies" this is our banner of Victory in War. When America fights she must fight in submission to her true Commander in Chief!

I am a LICENSED MINISTER of the Gospel and a FORMER WICCAN / BLACK WITCH and Substance Abuser who was brought to Faith in Jesus Christ in Aug of 1979. My Ministry is to reach those in the Occult/Cults and SKEPTICISM with the TRUTH of God's Eternal Word! I am unremarkable but my God is most remarkable in his scope and has worked in me a miracle beyond compare. My ministry site is at for Open Your Eyes ministries.


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