Monday, June 14, 2010

Using DIY Dog House Plans to Make a Special Dog House

If you've ever watched "UnderDog To WonderDog" on Animal Planet then you know how elaborate Dog houses CAN be. But everyone knows that you don't really need anything like that for your Dog... but a little room for some customization and individuality is always welcome.

After all, no two dogs are the same, no two owners are the same. So the needs of both the dogs and the owners will be different and many commercially available doghouses will not always fit the bill exactly. Plus they can be really expensive, especially for large dogs.

That's why using dog house plans and building your own doghouse is an option that you might choose. But even that can often get a little overwhelming or confusing. So here are a few suggestions on how you can build a doghouse that is perfect for both you and your canine family member.

First, start with a good set of plans. You'll have choices to make here... one dog, two dogs, single house, duplex layout, etc.... so make sure what you want is an option in the plans you buy.

You also want to be sure there is room for some modifications during the actual construction phase. Aside from the aesthetic options, make sure you can control how much insulation is built into the house. Those living in the north will need more than those in the south and you'll want to adjust the insulation based on your location and needs.

Once the frame of the house is determined, then there are other ways you can spruce up or individualize your dog's new home. If you are really good with woodworking tools then you could fancy up the roof overhang by giving it a scalloped edge. Or make a little porch for your pooch.

If nothing else, give it a really special paint job... not just a boring paint job but one that shows you really care. There is no need to just have a boring wooden box home for your dog... unless you really want to. Just do a Wonder Dog home on a smaller more affordable scale.

And if you have kids or a spouse that are willing and interested in helping, then make it a family project and get everyone involved and having fun. Or maybe there is a neighborhood kid who would enjoy helping out.

Your dog will likely wonder what all the fuss is about during the building phase. But once he realizes that he will be the ultimate beneficiary of your weird activities, he'll forgive the intrusion into his normally quiet days and you can enjoy years of adoration from your canine buddy.

So to make your own doghouse for your family pet you need to first start out with a good set of plans to work from. Insulated dog house plans are the best since they allow for shelter from the elements and will give your dog adequate protection in both cold and hot weather. Visit for more information about using plans to build a doghouse.


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