Man's best friend needs man's special attention. Taking care of your Dogs is like taking care of a child. Your Dog needs its regular doctor's visits, immunizations, and most importantly, a proper diet. So what do you feed your Dog? There is no one straight answer to that question. There are things to consider when it comes to feeding your dog, like its breed and what dog group it belongs to.
Lets start with the sporting dogs. The most common among the sporting dogs is the golden retriever. These dogs are already recommended to start adult food (25% or less protein) at 3 months. They need a good amount of protein in their diets, but the problem they face though is overeating. Dogs are never full, so dog owners need to realize that they may seem hungry, but it's a big no-no to feed them too much! Retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia which is a result of them growing too fast from eating too much.
Next are the hounds, or the hunting dogs. So what do you feed these detective dogs? Nothing really special, according to some beagle owners. A good combination of protein and fat for energy, fiber for digestion, but watch out for diarrhea when giving the wrong kind or amount of fiber, specially if your hound is a show dog. Also give him carbohydrates for energy, though just enough because excess carbohydrates turns into flab.
The Siberian Husky and Great Dane are among the working dogs, and one of the more popular breeds include the Doberman pinscher. Avoid soy, wheat and corn altogether for these dogs. They can cause allergies that lead to skin eruption, shedding, dry skin and bad doggy odor, so it's best not to feed it commercial dog food. Cancer is the number 2 killer in this breed, and corn, soy, wheat, preservatives and additives promote that. It also causes problems for the coat, skin and health for a long time. Lean meat should be the main part of its diet, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. Natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are good for the diet too.
Terriers are small dogs, the most popular breed probably being the Boston terrier. A not so nice thing these dogs are known for is their flatulence, but there is a solution. Firstly, don't feed them people food, and secondly, don't feed them any grains. It's also advisable to add a tablespoon of plain organic yogurt in its food. This should help you out, and keep stress for this dog at a minimum, since that is what causes a lot of their health issues.
The Yorkshire Terrier is the second most popular terrier breed, according to the AKC registration. This toy dog doesn't eat much. When he's still a puppy, you can feed it 3 to 4 times a day. A good commercial dog food brand is ok, as long as its approved by the American Association of Feed Control Officials and has passed the trial for the stages and growth of the puppies. When he's an adult, it's important to maintain the amount you feed him, making sure never to overfeed him. Some people feed "yorkies" only commercial food, while others home cook. Combining the two practices is also another way you can give your Yorkshire terrier a bit of variety.
Non-sporting dogs come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. The poodle can be a miniature, a toy or a standard. Its hairstyle makes it one of the most popular dog breeds around. A BARF diet is good for your poodle, which should include lamb shanks and even raw chicken necks. You can blend this up with vegetables too so they get all the nutrition they need. The dog chewing on the bones is also like brushing its teeth. It has minerals, proteins and vitamins in just the right amount. Poodles have strong stomachs, as the acids are stronger than people's stomach acids, and so digesting is the raw meat is not a problem for them.
To learn more about the homemade dog food and how to prepare them, grab your copy of "137 Yummy Healthy Dog Food Recipes!" immediately before it's gone for good
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