Tuesday, May 8, 2012

World's Saddest Dog: On a Mission to Stop the Puppy Mills

Jana Kohl and her dog Baby are on a mission. A mission to stop puppy mills...and sell some books along the way to help the cause. Jana rescued Babay, a roughly nine-year-old poodle who had been locked in a cage. Jana and Baby (whose sweet face and three-legged hobble attract attention wherever she goes) found themselves speaking to groups about the terrible conditions at many breeders' farms and urging politicians to change the lax laws that regulate this industry. Today, Baby is the unofficial spokesdog for the Humane Society of the United States on the topic of puppy mills, and she and Jana travel around the country lobbying for reform on this important issue. Go Jana. Go Baby. And go WGN-TV for spotlighting this important issue.


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