Monday, November 7, 2011

Therapy Dogs

There is considerable evidence that the relationship between people and animals can have a profound effect on human health - mental, physical and emotional. People are capitalizing on this with therapy pets. Therapy pets can be used to calm most patients and engage unresponsive ones. Animal-assisted therapy is used for people in pain or people who are grieving and need some emotional relief. This service can deeply affect a patient's wellbeing. Animal or pet therapy can help a patient to achieve their "recovery" goals sooner than they would without the therapy.

Although cats and rabbits can be used for pet therapy, Dogs are used more frequently than any other species. A therapy Dog's primary function is to brighten someone's day. Dogs and their owners visit nursing homes, hospitals and schools to provide emotional support. As they brighten someone's day, they create a connection only a pet can provide. Therapy Dogs relieve boredom and stress by making long term residential settings seem more like home. In many rehabilitation centers, patients who have closed themselves off from people will respond to a playful loving animal.

The main characteristics of a therapy dog are as follows:

-Obedient and well behaved
-People friendly
-Friendly with other animals
-Ability to be calm in a crowded atmosphere
-Gentle but strong
-Not a jumper

Dogs are considered natural therapists, not only in an adult setting but for children who will share how they are feeling with a therapy dog before they will with a human. They are sometimes referred to as silent communicators. They create an atmosphere of nonjudgmental love and affection. They enjoy being with people even when people aren't feeling good about themselves.

A dog with the characteristics listed above is a good candidate to become a therapy dog. First, the dog must become certified. All dogs should be obedience trained before beginning certification for pet therapy. There are many pet trainers who are licensed or certified to train your pet. You can find them locally or search for lists on the Internet. Another option is to look for a free or inexpensive training course online. This will help you get started. Dogs must be able to obey simple commands such as sit, heel, down and off. After your pet has had the basic dog obedience training, you can find a pet therapy certification center near you. It is a good idea to purchase the home study course which will walk you through exactly what the pet therapy certification test requirements are. This will allow you to work with your dog at home until you are both comfortable with the test. Once your dog passed the certification test, you can join one of the many recognized therapy groups nationwide.

Pet therapy can be a very rewarding activity for you, your dog and the people who need the therapy.


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