If you have seen his National Geographic Show, The Dog Whisperer, then you pretty much know what you are getting in the book Be The Pack Leader, Cesar Milan has out right now. The book is an amazing journey through the ins and outs of transforming your Dog's life and yours as well. It gives deep insights into what Dog ownership is all about and how to get your Dog to behave the way you want him or her to. It not only makes the dog's life better it makes your life better.
In this bestseller book, the author lays out how to talk to your dog. He explains and makes clear the different tones and voices for the different tasks you want your dog to perform. Milan is a genius and an icon when it comes to communicating and learning how to recognize what it is your dog wants and needs by different prompters. There are so many helpful tips and explanations of different situations it is hard to imagine how a dog owner couldn't have a copy on their book shelf. If you are truly a dog lover and have always wondered what is going on in your dog's head, this is the book for you.
The voice of the book sounds very familiar as the writer, Cesar uses is his own. The book reads just like he sounds on TV. That is a talent well appreciated when reading a book like this. His calm and casual manner translates well onto the written page making it a fun and quick read. This is not a step by step book with lots of commands and demands put upon your pet. Rather, it is more of an overall mind set to have when dealing with your pet and how to keep your dog happy and healthy.
In Be The Pack Leader, Cesar Milan gives great insight not just into your dog's psyche but also into being a dog owner as well. He teaches how to be a good dog owner in much the same way parenting books teach how to be a good parent. The main thing about the book as we mentioned is the voice. This is an easy read that makes you want to read more. It is informative and entertaining all at the same time. No dog owner should be without this book. It is very helpful and you will refer to the book over and over again.
Sherry Harris the author of a wide range of dog topics including, but not limited to: dog training, dog grooming, pet travel, pet insurance, pet food, house training, dog breeds and dog supplies. For hundreds more free dog expert articles visit http://www.DogStyleNetwork.com. Hope you found the book review: Be The Pack Leader, Cesar Milan informative. To order this book, or to check out the bookstore visit us today!
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