Sunday, June 12, 2011

Awesome Animal Facts

Did you know that...

... the Bee Hummingbird is the world's smallest bird? Even with its bill, it measures a mere 2 inches or 5 centimeters long.

... the male African Elephant has the largest ears in the animal kingdom? More than 3 feet or 1 meter wide.

... a Chameleon's tongue can be longer than the length of its body?

... Arctic Terns make the longest migration of any animal? In the summer, they live and breed in the Arctic. Then they fly to the Antarctic for the winter, before returning to the Arctic.

... there are more chickens than people in the world?

... the Saint Bernard is one of the heaviest Dogs? It usually weighs more than 200 pounds or 91 kilograms.

... the strongest insect is the Rhinoceros Beetle? Also known as the Hercules Beetle, it can lift more than 800 times of its weight.

... an Electric Eel can produce a shock of up to 650 volts?

... the female Black Widow is one of the most poisonous animals in the world? A bite from it can cause dizziness, terrible pain and even death.

... the Sailfish is the fastest fish on Earth? With speed of up to 68 miles or 109 kilometers per hour.

... the Australian Box Jellyfish, otherwise known as the Sea Wasp, is the world's most poisonous marine animal? Its sting is excruciatingly painful, and its venom can be fatal to humans, causing death within minutes.

... Ostriches are the Earth's largest birds? They can be more than 8 feet or 2 meters tall and can weigh up to 300 pounds or 136 kilograms.

... the Humpback Whales create the loudest sound of any living creature?

Top 5 Pets
Fish, is by far, the most popular pet in the world. In the United States alone, people own more fish than any other animal. Here are the most plentiful pets.

1. Fish - 149 million owned
2. Cats - 91 million owned
3. Dogs - 74 million owned
4. Small animals (rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.) - 18 million owned
5. Birds - 17 million owned

Top 10 Dog Breeds
(Source: American Kennel Club, 2008)

1. Labrador Retrievers - ranked # 1 (1998)
2. Yorkshire Terrier - ranked # 9 (1998)
3. German Shepherd - ranked # 3 (1998)
4. Golden Retriever - ranked # 2 (1998)
5. Beagle - ranked # 6 (1998)
6. Boxer - ranked # 12 (1998)
7. Dachshund - ranked # 5 (1998)
8. Bulldog - ranked # 23 (1998)
9. Poodle - ranked # 7 (1998)
10. Shih Tzu - ranked # 11 (1998)

Top 10 Cat Breeds
(Source: Cat Fancier's Association, 2008)

1. Persian
2. Maine Coon
3. Exotic
4. Abyssinian
5. Siamese
6. Ragdoll
7. Sphynx
8. Birman
9. American Shorthair
10. Oriental

Top 5 Longest Living Animals
In 2007, scientists dredging north of Iceland found a clam estimated to be at least 405 years old. Here are the animals that live the longest and oldest known age for each.

1. Quahog Clam - up to 400 years
2. Giant Tortoise - up to 200 years
3. Human - up to 122 years
4. Sturgeon Fish - up to 100 years
5. Blue Whale and Golden Eagle - up to 80 years

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