Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What is the Most Popular Dog Breed - Find Out Today

It feels great when you entered your door, a pet rushes to your doorstep to greet you. Their warm welcome makes you smile and suddenly lessen or totally get rid of your tiredness from the day's work. A pet really does something positive towards you especially if it is so much attached due to your endless care.

You may ask, "What is the most popular Dog breed?" You might have heard of different Dog breeds and perhaps you have seen some of them already. In the past few years, there are Dogs that have been in the list of the most popular dog breeds. You may want to adopt one of them and so, knowing those most popular dog breeds could help you pick the most perfect pet for you.

There are some dogs that made their way to the top 100 most popular dog breeds. It will help you get the right dog breed if you know the basic characteristics of these dogs. Below are the dogs that made their way to the top most lists:

o German Shepherd Dog

This dog works in many ways. It is a very good sidekick of a policeman, it could keep an eye to the young children, guide a blind in his or her way, and it could even guard and protect your house while you are gone. With proper training, this dog can socialize well with other people and could perform its duty and could prevent it from becoming too much aggressive.

o Chihuahua

A dog that measures up to 10 inches, this playful pet is so affectionate and loves companionship but it remains fearless and alert that makes it a better watchdog, though it is not easy to train. It is brave enough to challenge bigger dogs and does not like being teased. If you are gentle to it, it will be your good friend.

o Labrador Retriever

Considered to be the most popular among the other dog breeds, the Labrador Retriever or Labs for short is a good family dog. Its positive qualities includes being loyal, intelligent, and sweet. Children can even get along with it very well. Its sturdy built allows it to suit in a dog completion. You cannot blame it for having an active nature because it still belongs to the family of dog hunters.

o Boxer

You are going to have a great time with this dog because it is naturally born with entertaining abilities. Though athletic and energetic, Boxers are also gentle and loving. They can be your sweet companion and your protector at the same time. They love to play, jump, and are popular for their kidney beaning dance. Good thing they become gentle and funny as they used to put into dog fights.

o Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever possesses the common qualities of the dogs of its kind and is one of the most popular dogs. It can be a watchdog, a police assistant, and a playmate. It is safe for kids, too. What makes it different from other dogs is its ability to remain in a happy mood even if it does not feel well.

What is the most popular dog breed? The list still goes on and the dogs given are the ones that sit on the top most popular dog breeds.

Looking for more information on what is the [] most popular dog breed Visit [] today to learn everything there is to know!


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