Friday, April 29, 2011

Husband Selection - Top Tips

A 'weighty' book by Dr. J. H. Kellogg MD, titled 'Ladies Guide in Health and Disease' includes all the information the young lady seeking love and marriage, needs to know. (Well, it all made good sense in 1893, when it was written). And yes - it is the very same Kellogg who invented and produced whole grain breakfast cereals that would evolve into the famous and much-loved Kellogg's Cornflakes. Additionally, he also patented a process for making peanut butter and invented healthful, Granose biscuits (maybe a precursor of 'Granita biscuits'?)

First and foremost - be Clear in Purpose - and Pure in Mind.

Young ladies must understand that preservation of the species is the only object for the institution of marriage. And most certainly not to simply gratify the 'animal' passions. A young woman with genuine instincts would be attracted to marriage for far superior and more modest motives than just sexual privileges.

Dr. Kellogg tells of countless women who suffered serious distress and illness caused by the excesses of the early weeks of marriage! He further recommends that these violent passions should be kept under control, insisting that - 'unbridled lust is a sin under all circumstances', and that Nature's 'animal instincts' were never intended to become dominant over the dignified purpose that marriage was exclusively designed for - namely procreation and continuation of the species.

Is Age for Marriage Important?

Dr. Kellogg's studies proved his absolute conclusion that 20-22 years old for a female, and 24-26 for a male were the ages most conducive to success. Deviation from these recommendations would most definitely prove disastrous, as the progeny of 'girl-mothers' will inevitably be 'childish in intellect, destined to a short and inefficient life'. Immature mothers constantly produce defective children, and to prove his point, he poses the question of how many great statesmen, philosophers or authors have been born of 'girl-mothers'. In justification, Dr. Kellogg points to stock-raisers who never allow immature animals to breed!

Should a young wife take an old husband? Most definitely not, as she faces dire consequences with her offspring (IF indeed there are any), as the 'old, unhappy faces' are tragic to witness. The Doctor believed early death to be inevitable.... and the best possible outcome for the parents and the world in general.

Even in the 1890's, Dr. Kellogg notes that society is shocked too often by such unions wherein the only charm of the octogenarian is his large fortune. (Some things never change, it would seem).

Desirable Attributes?

Once again, Dr. Kellogg has a wealth of worthy advice. Good health and constitution are of prime importance, because the wife, who will inevitably become enfeebled by the duties of maternity, will need to rely heavily on the strength of her spouse. Should she ignore this advice, it will not simply be at her own peril - her children's lives would undoubtedly be threatened with disease. And still, it's not over, for when the sickly husband dies (as he will), and the good woman remarries (even a healthy man!), the subsequent offspring are likely to still be affected by the 'feebleness of the former husband'.

And what of Health, Genetics and Physical Attributes?

The young lady should ascertain that her intended and/or his family have never suffered any of the following:- any contagious disease (and Dr. Kellogg dares to mention - at length - that this includes venereal variety), consumption, insanity, epilepsy, congenital defects of any kind, dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, and in fact, any deviation from standard health.

He warns, as strongly as he knows how, to never take the young man's assurance alone. The prospective 'bride' should double-check every avowal he makes - with his parents, his relatives, his friends, and not the least, his family doctor.

And in case she should think size doesn't matter, here is yet another vastly underrated aspect of husband selection - proportionate size of the couple. Large men and small women should steadfastly avoid each other, as such unions are 'physically improper'...likely to produce much 'suffering, and increase the dangers of childbirth many fold.'

And Habits?

Important? Unequivocally 'Yes'. He should be 'steady, industrious and thrifty'', able to economize and avoid extravagance. He should NOT 'partake of the weed' (smoke) or use liquor, narcotics or other stimulants. In fact, women are advised to 'rise up en masse against the tyranny of these barbarous and debasing habits'.

(Dr. Kellogg does not publicly acknowledge female smokers in this book, most probably because smokers of the 'fair sex' had long been associated with loose morals, dubious sexual behavior and fallen women...or prostitutes. And surely none of us could be in doubt at this stage of the good Doctor's feelings on this subject!)

The road ahead holds nought but danger and heartbreak for the young woman who marries a man who has been 'just a little fast' - as 'habits of dissipation, when once thoroughly fastened upon, are not easily shaken off.'

Dr. Kellogg firmly advocates against a young woman adopting a 'missionary spirit' in the mistaken belief she can reform a 'rake'. He sternly lectures that such reformation is an impossibility, observing that time and opportunity will inevitably convert evil thoughts into evil acts, to the never-ending anguish of all involved.

His predicted outcome of this situation is nothing less than a fall from the path of virtue, followed by desertion, ruination, becoming an outcast from society and undoubtedly enduring eternal ruin in the afterlife.

Recommended Temperament?

On this subject, the advice of Dr. Kellogg is crystal clear. It is exceedingly important to avoid the conceited, proud, jealous and suspicious -- and also phrenologists, who have 'attempted to regulate matrimonial unions according to their opinions of the bumps on the respective heads.' One wonders if different conclusions would be reached according to whether the bumps had been inherited or inflicted!...and could a 'phrenologist' tell the difference, anyway?

Many readers may be unaware that 'phrenology' was the belief that intelligence and personality traits could be 'read' by the shape of the skull and the size and shape of protuberances (or bumps) in various areas of the skull...and of course, a 'phrenologist' was the 'learned'(?) practitioner.

Should Parental approval be Sought?

Oh yes, this is crucial, and he firmly admonishes Mothers to exercise careful supervision, win confidence and respect, and become their daughter's closest confidant during this vulnerable phase of her life. Who else on Earth could understand like a Mother?

Of course, this will only ensue if the Mother has followed the correct course from early childhood of her offspring - and developed the ability to exert enough strength of influence to mold her child's very actions. In other words, a young woman should never even vaguely contemplate committing her precious self to any young man without 'first consulting her mother.'

If she should marry against her parents' wishes, her life will be an enduring misery, in consequence of that 'one false step.'

Has your intended passed the criteria?

If the answer is a resounding YES, then Dr. Kellogg continues, with advice about the courtship.

'Favourable opportunities for lapses from virtue' must be avoided at all costs, and the good doctor draws our attention to the fact that it is not a good idea to develop the habit of sitting up late at night, and in fact, this practice 'should be condemned and discountenanced', as he firmly believed characters should be judged by daylight, not lamplight!!

There is little I can add to the good Doctor's worthy and wordy advice, except - isn't it comforting to be facing all this in the present - and NOT in the 1890's?


Copyright 2010 Christine Larsen All Rights Reserved

Selecting a Husband - 1890's style
Who is Christine Larsen, alias cdcraftee?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fear of Other Dogs - Dog Lunging and Barking

A couple of months ago I received an email from someone who was very frustrated that her 1 ½ year-old Yorkshire Terrier was growling and lunging at some (OK, many!) Dogs they passed on the street. According to her, the behavior started when the Dog was about a year old and had progressed rapidly in the last six months. After further conversation she explained that she had gotten her dog when he was 12 weeks old from a breeder, brought him home and promptly kept him indoors for the next 6 weeks, as instructed by her veterinarian. When she did start taking him outdoors he seemed very anxious and timid, especially when passing other dogs. The change from being scared to seemingly aggressive is one of the things that confused her about what was going on with her little dog. She admitted that her frustration had gotten to the point where she was resorting to yelling at her dog and yanking on his leash in an effort to get him to walk by the other dogs calmly.

I explained to her that it seemed to be what is, unfortunately, a common scenario. That is, a puppy kept in probable, relative isolation at the breeder's home, who is then transferred to another isolation ward (the pup's new home) is then expected to handle the big world out there. When the pup is finally exposed to the world it is the equivalent of a child of about 4 years old going outside for the first time. While some dogs are temperamentally equipped to handle this, many are not.

This little Yorkshire Terrier would have benefitted greatly from early and ongoing socialization and exposure to the world during the crucial socialization period of about 8-26 weeks of age. His was a case of the culprit probably being both nature and nurture. He is likely to have been genetically predisposed to being of a more reserved and cautious character, which was exacerbated by the fact that he was not adequately socialized and exposed to the world at a young age.

I also explained that, we definitely don't like everyone we meet and can't expect our dogs to either. So, the goal here wasn't to have her pup love every dog, rather to become equipped to handle exposure to other dogs and hopefully make at least a few canine friends so that walks would be more pleasant for her dog and for her.

From what she described her dog is probably barking in an effort to keep other dogs away, not to actually try to inflict any serious harm to them. While we usually simply avoid the people we don't like, a dog on a leash walking down a relatively small city street may feel he is being forced to approach a dog he is uncomfortable with. This is similar to being trapped in a corner at a cocktail party with someone we don't like!

In our first lesson we set about setting a foundation for her dog's road to socialization recovery. This started with making sure that she resolved to no longer verbally or physically punish her dog if he barked at other dogs. There are only two things that are likely to result from this approach; It will make your dog fear you, and it will make him even more stressed out when other dogs approach because he will anticipate a punishing experience. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he barked even more ferociously in an effort to keep the other dogs away. After all, being punished around other dogs is likely to teach him that the presence of other dogs causes the punishment to happen, so he is going to do everything he can to keep them away!

There are a few simple steps you can take to solve this problem:

1.) Provide plenty of opportunities to socialize. The most obvious cause of this problem is a lack of adequate, ongoing socialization. Dogs need to have the opportunity to meet dogs and have off leash play sessions so that they learn good social skills and build confidence around other dogs. In addition, it is important to know that even dogs with good off leash social skills may develop on leash aggression problems, just like this dog has. In these cases the culprit is usually the owner. Most owners get upset that their dog fails to make friends with new acquaintances. They react by jerking the leash and telling the dog "No!" By inadvertently eliminating the two acceptable options - trying to calmly work things out or simply leaving - the dog has only the fight option (again, imagine the dog feeling trapped in a corner). For dogs under 20 pounds, trainer moderated small dog playgroups can be quite useful as a way of allowing your dog to learn better social skills with other dogs (and their people). It may take some time for your dog to relax and enjoy himself, but with each positive encounter your dog has, he is developing better skills to cope with interacting with other dogs, whether on the street on leash or indoors at a playgroup.

2.) Stay calm around other dogs. Or at least fake it for your dog's benefit. Go so far as to pretend you are really happy when another dog approaches. Your dog may be confused by your new attitude at first, but pretty soon he will get the idea you enjoy the company of other dogs: the goal is that he will too. Also, for a few weeks, try rewarding your dog with a tasty treat every time another dog passes. Rewarding your dog when other dogs approach will teach him that dogs approaching equals great stuff from you. This will be as effective as if you were given $500 every time a person with a blue shirt walked by. Pretty soon you'd be eagerly looking for people wearing blue shirts to approach.

3.) Find a great, reward based trainer to guide you. Don't underestimate the benefits of having an experienced, reward based trainer help you help your dog. Private in home lessons are generally a good start with fear issues. An appropriate group training class can also be a terrific way to practice around controlled distractions

In the past month this lovely, little Yorkie has made wonderful progress. He attends our small dog playgroups twice a week, and has just joined one of our small dog training classes where he is learning to respond promptly to requests to focus, come when called, hand target, sit and down. These, and the other skills he is learning, are an added way to developing his confidence in himself, trust in people and in being around other dogs and having a great time.

Andrea is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers and a Certified Pet Partners Team evaluator for the Delta Society and the AKC's Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. She is the director of Andrea Arden Dog Training, and was named the best dog trainer in New York by New York, W, Time Out and Quest magazines and the Daily News. Her website is located at and she can be reached at 212-414-9597. You can follow her on Facebook at

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to Choose the Right Dog Breed - Part 1

So you are interested in getting a Dog. Sure, I don't blame you. Dogs are fun, free spirited pets that will love and adore their owners. When you enter the house, these four legged family members will wag their tails in joy and hug you

That's if you get the right dog breed.

Yes, finding the right dog breed is just like dating. Just because a guy meets a girl, it does not mean they are going to hit it off. Even if they did, there is no guarantee that they're going to have long term happy relationship. To avoid any prolonged pain, you have to invest your time and effort initially to find the right "one" which will give you long term relationship stability.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before hitting the dog shelter:

1. How big a dog do I want?

Some like big dogs, some don't - it's a matter of personal preference that no one can answer except yourself. If you have small children, it might be wise to look into smaller dogs as some, prior to training, might not be most obedient.

2. How smart is the dog?

Dogs, just like people, have varying levels of intelligence. As common sense would dictate, smarter dogs are easier and faster to train. There is no correlation between size and intelligence, but there is a strong correlation between dog breed and its intelligence.

3. How much energy can I handle?

Some dogs are like kids, bouncing off of walls all day, and some are like older folks who take quite a few naps throughout the day. With higher energy dogs, you will find yourself spending more time with them than you'd like to.

4. How much time commitment do I have?

Yes, dogs need love and attention just as much as your family members do. They need your time for bonding and playing their owners. But with anything, different breeds have different degree of need for attention.

5. How much grooming do I need to do?

Unfortunately, there are no dogs that need zero grooming. All dogs have fur that shed, nails that grow, and teeth that need cleaning. Some dog breeds have almost zero maintenance, and some require weekly trip to the local groomer.

TaeWoo Kim is an internet entrepreneur, a dog lover, and the founder of, a site for dog owners to make crazy whacky fun pet pictures. You can follow him at

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dog Breed Selector - Everything You Need to Know

Getting a Dog, or any pet for that matter, is a big responsibility. You simply do not adopt one because you feel like having an animal companion at a spur of a moment. Aside from ensuring that you provide a good home, the proper feed and medications (if ever,) a Dog would also need one or more forms of training. In other words, a canine pet would be with you on an almost 24/7 basis and would demand a lot of your attention and time. This is the reason why it is imperative that you match your personality and your current lifestyle with a dog of the same (or almost the same) temperament. Otherwise, the two of you will have a constant battle of wills which may end up on a very sour note indeed. Unfortunately, the dog can not return you to your breeder or give you away when your relationship fails.

This is where a dog breed selector comes into play. A dog breed selector can come in many forms. There are software applications, downloadable manuals, and even small booklets. The main purpose of the selector is to find out which breed of canine companion would suit your current lifestyle. Most selectors usually begin with a series of questions about what you would want for a pet. Examples of these questions are:

1. Would you want a tiny, small, medium, large or giant dog? Although many people do not really care for the size of the dog, some homes would benefit more with pets of a specific height or weight. For example: a pet dog that will be trained to be with larger ranch animals should be at least medium sized. Or for homes where there are extremely young children about, tiny and vociferous toy breed dogs may not be suitable companions.

2. Would you prefer a dynamo or a placid pet companion... or something in between? Some dogs are inherently energetic and would require many forms of entertainment, training or exercise; or else, your pets may become destructive. On the other hand, there are other dog breeds that would be very comfortable just watching the world go by, without so much as a whimper. There are also some breeds that can be trained to be hunting partners during the day but gentle house companions at night.

Your dog's energy level should match the lifestyle you have now. If you are thinking about getting an energetic dog to encourage you to jog or brisk walk in the morning, then you may be biting off more than you can chew. Try to take careful account of your day to day activity and try to judge what you is your energy level and start from there.

A note to consider, though: many people think that the larger the pet, the greater its energy level is. The opposite is true actually. Small and tiny dogs have the most energy levels in all dog breeds, and many of these have overflowing personalities as well. Without the proper guidance, these dynamos can become too much of a handful. Large dogs and the giant breeds are relatively more placid.

Looking for more information on what is the [] most popular dog breed Visit [] today to learn everything there is to know!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dachshund Puppy And Dog Information

The Dachshund is good with older children as long as she has been socialized with them. She may not do well with cats and other pets as she was originally bred to hunt. She likes to be indoors and does not like harsh climates. She needs to be exercised regularly to avoid gaining weight as this can be hard on her back. She is a popular Dog and it is generally believed that the long hair variety may be better with children. As a reminder, never leave a young child unsupervised with a puppy or Dog.

Approximate Adult Size

There are actually three sizes of the Dachshund, the normal, miniature and toy. The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the normal Dachshund is 14 to 18 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and about 20 pounds. The miniature Dachshund runs about 14 inches to the withers and 9 pounds. The toy Dachshund runs about 12 inches to the withers and 8 pounds in weight.

Special Health Considerations

Most Dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Dachshund is no exception. Be on the look out for skin problems, genetic eye diseases, heart disease, Dachshund paralysis (spinal disc problems), diabetes and urinary tract problems. Also, as a precaution, their body length precludes them from jumping from heights to protect their back as does letting them become overweight. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

She should visit the veterinarian several times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian yearly for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your Dog sweets.


The Dachshund has two coat varieties, smooth and rough. The smooth variety has a short coat that is shiny and not too long. The rough coat or long hair variety has a glistening, sleek, slightly waving hair. The long haired version needs grooming almost daily but the short haired needs grooming about weekly. Brushing will help her maintain a clean and healthy coat and help you keep a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with her.

Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.

Her toenails may need to be examined for growth and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. Generally a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the net.

Life Span

The Dachshund can live between 12 and 14 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.


The Dachshund comes from Germany. Their history goes back to the 16 century. They were bred from hunting dogs to hunt rabbits and badgers, and other small animals. They were first registered by the American Kennel Association in 1885. Dachs is German for Badger.

Some Registries

  • Dachshund Breed Club

  • UKC United Kennel Club

  • NKC National Kennel Club

  • CKC Continental Kennel Club

  • APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.

  • AKC American Kennel Club

  • FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale

  • NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club

  • KCGB Kennel Club of Great Britain

  • ANKC Australian National Kennel Club

  • ACR American Canine Registry

Litter Size

3 to 4 Dachshund puppies



Terms To Describe

Courageous, lively, clever, proud, tenacious, clown, happy, fun loving, cheerful


  • Good watch dog.

  • High intelligence.

  • Likes to play.

  • Low dog odor.


  • Poor guard dog.

  • Can be a loud barker.

  • Can be difficult to train.

  • Like to dig.

Other Names Known By


Every dog is an individual so not everything in this information may be correct for your dog. This information is meant as a good faith guideline only.

About the Author

Mitch Endick is a short article writer, editor and website developer for the popular pet site is a pet information site with free pet ads, dog classifieds, and puppy for sale info. also offers information on cats, fish, reptiles, birds, ferrets, rabbits, mice and even pet bugs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Examining the Contributing Factors to the Bushmeat Trade and Crisis in Ghana


The paper examines contributory factors facilitating the Bushmeat trade in Ghana, reveals the multiplicity and complex nature of the trade, some conservation measures attempted to control the trade and crisis and suggests avenues for future research and policy makeovers.

Keywords: Bushmeat, Ghana, Crisis, Wildlife, Trade

1 Introduction:

The unsustainable and illegal harvest of bushmeat occurring at a commercial scale is a primary threat facing many wildlife species in Ghana today. Bushmeat, the meat of wild animals, is a highly valuable wildlife commodity in Ghana and has gone from traditional, subsistence to mainly commercial trade. By some estimate, Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1998, found that the once traditional way of life, has evolved into a $350 million dollar industry in Ghana that threatens endangered animals driving several primate species in the Upper Guinea forest to the brink of extinction. This has come at an enormous cost to a country that lacks the resources to assure sustainable management of their natural resource potential. Distinctive amongst the species is the Miss Waldron's Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus Badius Waldroni), a primate taxon endemic to the forest regions of Ghana and enlisted as extinct by IUCN Red List 2006.

Obviously the current unsustainable pattern appears to be the outcome of overexploitation evidenced by the extensive outtake of species. The multiplicity and complex nature of the trade suggest various contributing factors facilitating the bushmeat crisis. I examine these factors, reveal some avenues for policy makeovers and suggest opportunities for future research.

2 General Background

The 'bushmeat crisis' is a term without succinct definition. A much general definition would be the unsustainable exploitation of wildlife for human consumption leading to widespread loss of wildlife populations, further endangerment of species, and diminished livelihoods for current and future generations of wildlife-dependent communities. It is an agonizing topic for anyone concerned for wildlife. In a distant past, large areas of Ghana's forest and savanna lands supported significant and diverse populations of wild animals and were the main source of animal protein, biogenetic resources, a symbol of cultural identity and ethnic origin. (Conservation International, Ghana, 2005).

Today in Ghana a rather brutal slaughter is going on, only this time, instead of arable farm animals the victims are the monkeys, porcupines, and duikers etc, locally called 'nwuramunam' . Bushmeat trade, in the manner currently operated is equal not only to the illegal trade in exotic wildlife but the illegal drug trade which emphasize more on profits of trade. The multibillion-dollar trade in bushmeat according to Brashares et al., 2004, is among the most immediate threats to the persistence of tropical vertebrates, with minimal empirical data and understanding on the underlying drivers and effects on human welfare.

Very little attention is paid to wildlife habitats but meeting the demands of the burgeoning middle class either in the urban centres or in international cities, who consider eating bushmeat a delicacy. To some, the problem is lack of adequate laws and their enforcement. Others claim it is poverty. However on close examination, the trade reveals contributing factors either than the popular poverty maxim. It is hoped that this exploratory report would reveal these many problems contributing to this ecological predicament in Ghana.

2.1.1 A Brief Description of Ghana and the Bushmeat Trade

Many scholars have indicated the existence of the bushmeat trade from of old. Grubb et al., 1998, indicated that the bushmeat trade has a long history in Ghana. Clark, 1994 commented that trade in smoked game in Ghana has been in existence since the fifteenth century. Some estimates by Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1998 indicate that every year 385 million kg of bushmeat are harvested (estimated at US$350 million) and 92 million kg are marketed (US$83 million). A recent research by Cowlishaw et al., 2003 revealed a general trend with the major animal groups being rodents (59% of total mass), duikers (25%), and invertebrates (15%) and a less than one percent being primates. A probable implication of the latter maybe the result of primates extirpations or a change of consumer taste has occurred or probably trade in meat of primates may have been attracted into some sought of black market.

A study by Tutu et al., 1993 revealed the Kantamanto market in Accra, Atwemonom market in Kumasi and the Tarkoradi market in Tarkoradi as notable bushmeat market centers in Ghana. The city of Kumasi alone has three vibrant bushmeat market centers, Atwemonom, Kejetia and Central markets. These markets are highly organized as small family businesses passed on from one generation to the next.

Comparing the volume, weights and prices of the animals entering the Kantamanto market in 1974, 1985 and 1993, an FAO report 1993 revealed that whilst the composition and volume of individual species marketed varied from year to year the price per head of all species had increased several times fold and there was no indication of decreases in the sizes of animals being hunted. This would suggest that although the populations of most wild animal species are believed to be declining in the West African sub-region, hunters continue to put sufficient effort into hunting to maintain supply levels.

2.1.2 Actors in the Bushmeat Trade

According to Falconer, 1992, there are five main types of actors participating in the bushmeat commodity chain in Ghana and come in distinctive divisions among groups. These are commercial hunters, farmer hunters, wholesalers, market traders and local restaurants operators commonly referred to as 'chopbars '. 'Chopbars' are local restaurants that specialize in the preparation of traditional meals recipes containing 'nwuramunam'. Falconer further reveals that commercial and farmer hunters are mostly men, operating in rural areas whilst the wholesalers, market traders and chopbar owners are all women. Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1998, commented that commercial hunters are full-time hunters who depend on the trade in bushmeat as their primary source of income. Farmer hunters on the hand are part-time hunters who hunt bushmeat in order to supplement their income from the seasonal agricultural produce. Although retailers claim the activity is seasonal, research has revealed more fulltime operators than part time. Out of 300 bushmeat retailers interviewed in 2001 through a Conservational International Study in 2002, 61.4% were found to be full-time bushmeat traders' whiles 38.6% respondents stated that they engage in the trade only during times of the year when they cannot find any income generating alternatives. This suggests that a greater portion of the sampled retailers depend on the trade at full time basis. Below is a suggested pattern of interaction suggested by Cowlishaw et al. 2003.

Fig 1: Pattern of Bushmeat Commodity Chain in Ghana. Source: Cowlishaw et al.

Fig 2. Patterns of Bushmeat Commodity Chain.

Source: Cowlishaw et al. 2003

Particularly unrevealing is evidence on the investment behaviour of the 'capitalist' bushmeat entrepreneurs. What levels of profits do they make and where do they invest them? Back into the sub-sector or elsewhere? Most importantly, commentaries are silent on the illegal rogue economic actors who in my opinion are the most active and destructive. Information about them is not forth coming but they exist to sustain the crisis.

3 Contributing Factors to the Bushmeat Trade

A vital significance of this issue is the complex nature of its contributing factors.

Almost certainly, the key facilitating reason for the sudden increase in the bushmeat trade is logging. [Ape Alliance, 1998]. Ghana is a major producer of tropical timber in an African industry dominated by international logging companies. As they plow into the forests, they not only destroy and fragment African wildlife habitats, but they also expedite the bushmeat trade. Logging roads are used by bushmeat hunters to gain access to the deep forest and to transport the bushmeat out of the forest to markets, often with logging trucks . As much as the local people should be held accountable for the trade, international loggers must equally be held responsible too.

The emergence of intensified hunting strategies continues to contribute immensely to this wildlife demise. According to the Conservation International study in 2002, six methods of hunting were identified in Ghana. Methods include guns (60%), chemicals (32.5%), fire (3.2%), Dogs (2.8%), cutlasses/clubs (1.3%) and traps (0.2%) as depicted in Fig 2. It is however interesting that among these six methods only guns and traps are approved legally by the LI 685 of 1971 under the Ghana Wildlife Law. [GWD, 1999]. The high use of guns as a hunting strategy continues to be of concern to conservationist in Ghana. Molade, 2000 have indicated that most professional hunters use rifles and other licensed automatic weapons. It is quite unfortunate how trapping, with time has been neglected. Trapping though non-selective it is less destructive. The survey revealed only about 0.2% use of traps and it's the only sanctioned method under the wildlife law whilst the use of Dogs, fire and cutlasses have no legal backing the Ghana Wildlife Law [GWD, 1998].

The widespread use of chemicals in hunting remains another crucial contributing factor that needs to be urgently addressed. Chemical use is not selective and kills indiscriminately. Consumption of the affected meat poses deleterious health risks to consumers. Two types of chemicals identified by the Conservation International Ghana study were organophosphates and organochlorine. A locally prepared concoctions referred to as 'tangen or local poison' was also identified by the study. Tangen is prepared by grinding the roots and bark of an indigenous tree called 'Nkradadua ' and broken bottles, mixed with some urine and kept for two weeks. Mixing it with any meal would kill instantly. [Oral Source].

The use of fire in hunting is rather prevalent in the grassland savannah areas of Ghana. This is usually done in groups locally termed as 'floater ' with the indication of scattering the animals with the use of fire. Members of the group are positioned strategically whilst fire is set around wildlife habitats. Animals are chased with dogs and cutlasses as they try to escape from the fire.

A maxim propagated through time as reason for this hideous trade is poverty. Some say that the exacerbations of poverty have fuelled bushmeat trade whilst others debunk that idea due to its unsustainable paucity. [Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1998]. According to Robinson and Bennett (2002), the twin imperatives of addressing people's needs and conserving the world's species, has suggested the alleviating poverty as an antidote to solve the bushmeat crisis. The perspective continuously being contested is the onerous view if alleviating poverty can stop the crisis. Although the importance of bushmeat hunting as a component of livelihoods is widely recognized, its implications have not been extensively analyzed. Bowen-Jones et al., 2002, in their assessment for solution orientated research to promote a more sustainable bushmeat trade indicated that bushmeat use is primarily driven by nutritional need for animal protein and as a livelihood. However this view may be seriously misleading. It encourages the view that bushmeat extraction for trade will readily be reduced through the provision of alternative protein foods. Hard evidence on the extent to which the bushmeat trade is sustainable as a livelihood is difficult to come by. Most available data are qualitative and based on researchers' perceptions. There is therefore the need for better baseline and longer term monitoring information to inform the sustenance of the trade and its impact on wildlife if any idea of livelihood could be nurtured. Wildlife populations, dynamics and rate of extinction by off-takes must be accessed under the available best practice to provide information to overcome the generally assumed impacts of the trade. One should also be careful in nurturing the trade of bushmeat as a livelihood in market driven indigenous economies. This looks rather uncertain. There is no guarantee that the trade will generally guarantee favourable outcomes for poor people and there is no justification that its long-term sustainability may be an objective of those who may be involved in the trade. Potentially the private sector could capture the market rather than by those marginalized rural poor peasant. The onerous application of demand and supply may have untold consequences on bushmeat as a commodity of trade.

It is also interesting how indigenous people continues to be accused worldwide due to their efforts to sustain the trade whiles little, if not nothing, is being done to address the international demand for wildlife resource. It is obvious that sustained demand directly motivates supply. It is time the government to look at its tourism promotion drive vis a vis the bushmeat trade. Ghana in 1985 moved up from the seventeenth position to eighth in 1998 among the top 20 leading tourism revenue-earners in Africa [WTO, 1999]. According to World Tourism Organization, International tourist arrivals in Ghana has increased steadily from nearly 114,000 in 1988 to about 348,000 in 1998, at an annual average growth rate of about 20 percent. With respect to tourist's expenditure, international tourism receipts grew at an average annual rate of 41.3 percent from about $55.3 million in 1988 to about $285 million in 1998. This makes tourism the third largest earner of foreign exchange currently, ranking behind mineral and cocoa exports in Ghana. It therefore does not follow logic for the government to sacrifice this achievement for trade in bushmeat. The challenge rather is to find ways of harnessing this significant potential for wildlife-based growth to ensure that it benefits poor people.

Recent studies have also identified emerging infectious wildlife transference diseases and its risk to human health. Studies of SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses) infection have revealed the risk for acquiring SIV infection which is expected to be highest in persons who hunt primates, prepare their meat for consumption or keep them as pets. [Peeters et al., 2002]. The handling of freshly butchered bushmeat, in particular primates, brings about a risk of transmission of new zoonoses the report reveals. This risk, though cannot be adequately assessed because the prevalence, diversity, and geographic distribution of SIV infections in wild primate populations are unknown, it however clearly implies a probably potential health hazard which should discourage the consumption and trade of wildlife meat especially primates.

It is also important to mention that natural resource-related legislation in Ghana as in most part of Africa has been long based on the preservationist logic governed by national legislations with an 'assumed sense' of protection. Prior to the 1920s, communities in Ghana managed their wildlife resources through traditional rules that protected some species and regulated exploitation. [Kotey et al., 1998]. Most West African countries adopted since the colonial periods a highly centralized, state-controlled protectionist approach to wildlife management. The aim of this protectionist approach is to control and regulate resource use, enforce regulations, monitor resource condition and use patterns and impact and where possible deter illegal and unsustainable use pattern practices. The first forest policy on wildlife was prepared in 1948 with little or no defined guides to ensure the protection of wildlife. The government later developed a conservation policy, which was adopted in 1974 as the Ghana Wildlife Conservation Policy (1974). The main deficiencies of this policy were its strict protectionist approach and its failure to involve local communities in managing their wildlife resources. The year 1994 witnessed the formation of the Ghana Forestry and Wildlife Policy, which fortunately elevated the Wildlife Department to become a full-fledged Wildlife Agency when it became obvious that most of the provisions in the old policy could not adequately deal with the totality of the emerging issues.

A major contributing factor to the failure of these policies has been the overly technocratic style of policy formulation with little input from customary regulations for which hunters and the general public understand. Evidently, present day legislation has a poor recognition of human contribution to the development of landscapes and biodiversity thus creating the unfortunate perception that wildlife management is the responsibility of state institutions. Rather than reinforcing the powers of local authorities (including decentralized local government), most program serve to diminish local ownership, being expatriate-led, top-down and trivially observe local potential. At the same time, the enforcement of government laws are not adequately effective because there is a serious lack of resources, and a poor capacity to monitor national regulations nation-wide. For example, on the basis of national statistics, it is usually argued that the number of field agents active in wildlife issues is usually 1 person for 50,000 to 85,000 hectares, in most of West African countries. [Kotey et al 1998]. This situation is worsened by the very poor equipment of these agents (lack of transportation means, communication, shelter, extension tools, etc), and the fact that a majority of them are part-time workers. Interestingly, Ntiamoa-Baidu [1998] found that hunter income was the same as an entry-level graduate Wildlife Officer and 3.5 times the government minimum wage. It is obvious what the implications are.

4 Recommendations for Future Research

According to Salafky et al., (2002) any effective conservation would require addressing three fundamental questions whose answers can only be sought in conservation practice: (i) What should our goals be and how do we measure progress in reaching them? (ii) How can we most effectively take action to achieve conservation? And; (iii) how can we learn to do conservation better? Extinction is truly irreversible, once gone, individual species and all of the services that they provide us cannot be brought back. Objective scientific information and methods are needed in Ghana for listing species, subspecies, and distinct population segments as endangered or threatened under the wildlife laws. While non-scientific factors should appropriately be considered, biological defensible principles are immediately needed. Critical scientific information should not only include current empirical data, but also, for example, historic habitat and population information, population surveys, captive breeding, behavioural data, habitat and population modelling, and taxonomic and genetic studies. Recovery plans must be prepared based on the best available science identifying threats, mitigate those threats, and must predict how species and their entire bio-synergy are likely to respond to mitigation measures that may be adopted.

Another area worth researching for further redress to the crisis in Ghana is investigating the linkages between indigenous people knowledge in biodiversity conservation. Campbell (2005) commented on the insufficient attention paid in recent literature to the social and environmental factors which regulate hunting in Ghana. An analysis by Hens (2006) on series of biodiversity related subjects in Ghana show that indigenous knowledge has the potential to contribute to the conservation of species, genes and ecosystems. As Rose, 2000, puts it, conservation must pursue human-nature bio-synergy in the era of social chaos and bushmeat commerce. A recent survey by the Conservation International on totems in Ghana revealed that over 200 totems in Ghana are represented by wildlife, and among these about 98% of these animals are endangered, threatened or extinct. [Conservation International 2003]. Totems which some suggest have helped to conserve wildlife in the past have been rendered ineffective by this ferocious trade which rarely observes wildlife rules. The local people's culture and its symbiotic relationships between animals are therefore considerably threatened. As these cultural objects and perspectives become endangered their roles in biodiversity conservation become meaningless. Chiefs, tribes and clans could begin the search to restore their totems with the attributes of the wild. A typical example is the cultural efforts undertaken at the Buabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana . As part of the indigenous people's commitment to conservation, they have maintained sacred groves and protected areas of forest that have a strong cultural and religious significance. The groves are sacred sanctuaries for wildlife and home for the Campbell's Mona Monkeys and the Geoffrey's Pied Colobus Monkeys. According to Fajey (1992) and Ntiamoah-Baidu (2002) villagers who live in the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary traditionally have a taboo against killing these black-and-white Colobus (polykomos) and mona monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli), which inhabit the forest around their villages. The reconciliation of the diverse views and perspectives on conservation at this stage is most critical. This in no doubt affects the socio-cultural life of many communities in Ghana that are inextricably linked with wildlife. Thus our history and culture are in danger says Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei . It is about time all endeavour are brought to bear on all conservation efforts.

At the very heart of this complex phenomenon is the reasoning questioning the critical importance of wildlife to local people and how dependant they are on wildlife. In looking for solutions further research could be extended to assess pragmatic mechanisms for working through wildlife to reduce poverty and improve livelihood. Any effort to enhance trade without critical reference to some of these important questions would have disparaging ecological impacts on the environment.

It is also essential to note why people would prefer meat to fish even though significant freshwater fish stocks exist in many bushmeat source areas. [Redford and Robinson, 1987]. Fish farming, as a substitute animal protein should be supported to reduce the demand for bushmeat. Probably the preference for hunting over fishing is largely cultural, and indicative of some kind of irrational preference for meat on the part of consumers. Some scholars are with the view that fishing tends to become more attractive when human population densities increase to the point where returns to farming and hunting decline appreciably [Boserup, 1965]. This assertion may be a general case and further studies should be pursued to study the decision-making issues involved in selecting either bushmeat or fish.

Furthermore, the development of captive breeding or game farming could be supported as an alternative to active hunting of wild animals. Several authors have advocated for captive breeding of game species as an alternate way to satisfy local demand without compromising the wild stock. [Auzel and Wilkie, 2000]. There is evidence that major species with potential for domestication have long since been discovered especially for grasscutters in Ghana. An analysis of differential benefits and conservation impacts of alternative modes of production compared to the wild harvesting would be most appropriate. This has obvious attractions where bushmeat fetches a high price [Asibey and Child, 1990], and logically, it could lead to a reduced demand for bushmeat. Probably more pilot schemes could be established to test the viability of such game ventures.

5 Conclusion and Summary

It is very clear that the bushmeat trade leading to the crisis has been motivated by several other factors than poverty, as popularly claimed. The multiplicity of the problems require a multi-disciplinary approach both in decision making and policy enforcements. Though a number of conservation organizations have raised the alarm over these issues an effective action would require the cooperation of all stakeholders, including governments, conservation groups, scientist, cultural and religious groups, logging companies, and both local and international consumers. This has become necessary because it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish traditional from commercial hunting. Severe knowledge gaps on the phenomenon needs to be addressed before concrete conclusions can be made. Wildlife conservation in Ghana must pursue the bio-synergy of humanity and nature in order to find alternative ways to satisfy the human needs that drive the destructive commercial trade in wildlife bushmeat. It is at this point clear that when wildlife is gone, it goes with it all its important benefits, be it protein for the poor or ecosystem diversity. And without the animals, any shot at sustaining tourism in Ghana is history. Adams (2004) poses a question for conservation managers in the 21st century. He says 'the big question for the 21st century must not only be broader, nor how to stop species but how to prevent our dazzling technical capacity and our seemingly endless desire to consume natures diversity, from fatally undermining the resilience of the biosphere'. No piecemeal strategy will stand this complex bushmeat trade phenomenon in Ghana.

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Paper presented during the 2nd Step International Conference for Local Environmental Management (LEM) organized in Maseru (Lesotho) and Durban (South Africa)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Choosing the Right Breed of Dog

Making the decision about the breed of your first or next Dog is one that needs to be made carefully with a great deal of thought. There are many different breeds but not all of them could be suited to your lifestyle and vice versa.

A large percentage of Dogs end up in a rescue facility because they were not suited to their owners who perhaps brought them into a home that wasn't suitable for a number of reasons. Often this happens because people struggle to resist the temptation of that cute little face, but remember that the cute little puppy will soon grow.

To make it easier to choose the right breed you should do some research into the breeds that you like to make a shortlist. You should look at things from the Dog's viewpoint as well as your own in the decision process too as adding a dog to your family has to be right for all concerned including the dog.

Maybe a good starting point would be to decide exactly why you want to add a dog to your family. Think ahead in time and imagine what adding a dog to your family entails, especially if it's your first dog. Think about what you will do about your dog if your work keeps you out for long periods of time and nobody else is at home to care for it. What about when you want to go on holiday, what arrangements can you make for someone to look after your dog? Will your budget provide for healthcare for your new dog? Veterinary treatment can be expensive if there is no insurance cover in place to pick up the tab.

Now that you are sure the important things and are able to cope with the downside of owning a dog, it's time to decide what breed would best suit you, and likewise the breed that you would be most suited to. This is also a very important choice to make and the best advice would be to shortlist the breeds you would like and then research them on the internet from reputable sites that can inform you of all the facts.

For example you may like a to own a Great Dane but if you live in a high rise apartment block then it would hardly be fair to the Great Dane as they are a large breed and require a lot of space and regular access to a yard or garden.

Another point worth noting is that it if you like your home to be kept spick and span at all times then how would you cope or react if you discovered that your dog has slobbered all over your windows and walls when it shakes its head?.

How will your dog cope with children and babies tugging and squeezing them? It's something well worth finding out before making a final decision. Many incidents can be avoided if more thought is put into the choice of breed.

These are just some of the factors that should be considered carefully before adding a dog to your family.

It is exciting when you get your first puppy home, but one of the first things you should do is register him with a Vet who will check him over and ensure he has the right medication to give him a good start and protect him from killer diseases. If you are looking for a Vet in Ipswich UK or surrounding area you will find some very good information about caring for your pet and a recommendation to a premier vet. You can visit the site here at

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Pros and Cons of the Labrador Dog

Do a little research and you will see that the Labrador is the most popular breed of Dog on the planet. There are a multitude of reasons why this Dog is so popular and if you know up front what the Dog is like then that makes it easier to assimilate the Dog into your life. The Labrador is popular as a seeing eye dog for the blind or as a family pet. Either way the number of Labradors in the world today suggests that the breed is doing something right.

In order to be trusted as the seeing eyes for the blind a dog must be extremely obedient. The Labrador dog is known the world over for its obedience and as long as the dog learns it can trust you then you will find that this dog is extremely easy to train in all aspects of its everyday life.

In order to be a working dog, or what many people call an assistance dog, the Labrador dog must also be very intelligent. The dog is well known for its intelligence, which also makes it very easy to train. It not only makes the animal easy to train but it assures that the dog will retain much more of the important lessons it needs to learn in order to do the things it is asked to do in its every day life.

The Labrador loves to run and play which helps to make it an ideal family pet. If it has been trained properly then the dog knows when it is playing too rough and this can make the dog an ideal pet for families with children. Its obedience and intelligence help to make it the perfect companion and the perfect playmate for children as long as the children are not too small.

Just like any other breed of dog the Labrador also has its faults. If a Labrador dog is not properly trained then it may not know when playtime is over and can become quite rough while being energetic. It is essential to teach your pet the boundaries of good play activity so that it knows when enough is enough so that you may avoid anyone getting hurt when the dog really doesn't mean to hurt anyone at all.

If you take an overall look at the Labrador dog it is not difficult to see why it is the most popular dog in the world. When you add to it the fact that it can also be extremely loyal you quickly start to see why so many people trust their families, and their very lives, to this wonderful breed of dog. The Labrador has certainly earned the nickname of man's best friend.

Brooke Sunderland has experience dealing with canines and understands how important learning about a breed's history really is. Not only is the Labrador an attractive, statuesque dog but they also have a very long and complex history. The Internet is one of the best available resources when it comes to finding out further Labrador information regarding the history of Labradors.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Dog Is Constipated - Now What?

Constipation is a condition characterized by the inability to defecate with ease or regularity, resulting in fecal retention within the colon. Tenesmus, or straining to defecate, usually accompanies constipation due to the difficulty in passage. This dilemma tends to worsen over time, since the longer the feces is retained in the colon, the more moisture is reabsorbed by the colon, predisposing to even greater dryness and impaction. Other clinical signs seen with constipation include anxiousness, vocalizations while trying to eliminate, and a hunched-back appearance. In severe, long-standing cases of constipation, loss of appetite, vomiting, and dehydration can result.

There are several potential causes of constipation in Dogs, including poor intestinal motility, underlying dehydration, foreign body impaction, and intestinal masses or blockages. A definitive diagnosis of the underlying cause can generally be made by a veterinarian using a history of the problem, physical examination, stool evaluations, and radiographs of the abdomen. It's important to rule out other causes of apparent "straining", including colitis and urination difficulties, since these will be treated differently.

Initial treatment for constipation involves the administration of an enema to emptying the colon of fecal material. This should be performed only with the approval of your Dog's doctor. The safest type of enema to use on a Dog is a DSS (dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate) enema; these are available from veterinarians in convenient single dose administration syringes. Soapy, warm-water enemas can also be administered via a bulb syringe. Commercially-available enemas designed for humans (i.e. Fleet Enemas) SHOULD NOT be used in dogs, since these can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

In severe cases of constipation, intravenous fluid therapy may be required to restore water balance within the body and help normalize large intestinal function. In rare instances, manual evacuation of the colon or surgical intervention may be required.

Long-term management procedures to prevent recurrence will depend on the underlying cause. Laxatives may be prescribed to help regulate the frequency of bowel movements. In addition, increasing dietary fiber is an effective way to prevent constipation. Good sources to add to the diet include bran flakes, canned pumpkin filling, or psyllium supplements.

If your dog appears to be constipated, contact your veterinarian and follow his/her instructions. The sooner you address the problem, the quicker your pet will feel better. And as a pet owner, that's your ultimate goal!

Dr. Chris Pinney has over 24 years of experience as a veterinary clinician and surgeon. He has authored numerous books on pet health care and has appeared on a variety of radio talk shows and television programs, including Eye On Pets and Animal Planet. For practical insider advice and tips on how to save real money on your pet's health care, visit Dr. Pinney's website at